How can you tell me with a straight face that this was not paid for? And I don't even believe publications get DIRECT payments, but Sony has ads (right now, no less) on this very website and we all know what it means.
@Pacer8888: Yeah, but UC series should've definitely been closed with 2. After that it was just milking. The more I think about TLOU after beating it, the less I like it, it had its share of idiotic moments (THE DUMB floating box gimmick that was reapeated 5 times! That's not something that the best studio in the world should do in their games).
Interesting how unprofessional the whole thing was. No way it's coming in 2016.
They also have me worried with the Last Guardian again, since it was a no-show at TGS when they should be demoing every one aspect of that game like crazy at this point.
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