@Mogan: Need to play AP. Was the delivery of the dialog in AP good though? I thought the chars there were as dummie-like.
The score is correct and justified. The score SHOULD take expectations into account. This game is ~ 8/10, but adjusted for expectations, only = 6/10.Uncharted 3 is ~ 8/10, but adjusted for expectations, only = 6/10.God of War: Ascension is ~ 8/10, but adjusted for expectations, only = 6/10.The list can go on...
As bland as it gets. P.S. The conversations (and the default main char) strangely look very similar to Alpha Protocol.
Done some research - turns out it has only two DLC's. And the first one is basically the same levels all over again, just with a different character.
I'm so confused about the DLC/Expansions for this game. So many questions:1. How many does it have? I think it's the third?2. Does all the DLC require the original game or not?3. All the DLC cost as much as the base/original game itself??? Why?4. How long each of the DLC is? I'm under the impression that they're all the same length as the main game. P.S. This game looks absolutely HORRIBLE in static.
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