Whaaaaat???? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Can't believe it... although the writing was on the wall.
Microsoft has officially gone insane. Is it all Spencer's fault? Gaming history didn't know events like this:
-Fable Legends (Completely Finished game, $40 million spent), Cancelled with no reason provided
-Phantom Dust, Cancelled (they'll tell you it's not, but anyone with any sense knows it is, by now)
-Crackdown 3 (Deep Dev Hell), at this rate... it's getting canned 100%
-Gigantic (Dev Hell), most probably getting Cancelled
-Sea of Thieves (Dev Hell), most probably getting Cancelled
WHAT IS THIS MADNESS? You can't play with people's feelings like that, we're live humans. You can't show the game, promise mountains of gold, feature it in your "absolutely coming out in a few months BEST LINEUP IN HISTORY", spend tens of millions of dollars on it and then outright cancel it out of the blue with no respect to the people who've been waiting FOR YEARS.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some projects, can anyone add?
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