I would argue that it's the corrupt, self-interested politicians who are wrecking this country that must quiet down, Mr. Yee. The gamers you belittle so readily are among the people you are SUPPOSED TO be representing. Worry more about your massive government waste, overspending and debt and less about trying to dictate to people what kind of games they allowed to play. You, sir, are not a dictator. Thank you.
This looks very interesting. However, I watched this entire review and still have no idea what you do in this game. This sort of inadequate description is unexpected from Kevin.
@20years I'm more concerned with people who play things like World of Warcraft and Second Life. How is this different from a woman reading a romance novel or watching soap operas, or a man having a subscription to Penthouse magazine or watching pornography?
I never like anime or JPRG's, or anything kiddie like that, but for some reason this looks interesting. Also, Kevin VanOrd always gives excellent reviews.
@joju_australia What you are saying makes no sense. You already have a computer. Why not just get a good video card for equal to or less than the cost of a console and have yourself a far superior gaming platform? If you're worried about cost, the cost of PC games is lower than that of console games, so you'll be saving money every time you make a game purchase as well.
Cool, but way overpriced. You can't expect to turn a profit on a product like this. All of the console makers take a loss on their consoles at first, making it up in game sales. It's the same thing here. $1000 for the entry-level box is just way too high. These should be well under $500. I can pick up a regular PC that can do much more and is much more versatile and easily upgraded for much less money. Get the price within reason and I may pick one up for my HDTV. Otherwise, I'll pass.
RoadStar1602's comments