Doing this video is the best advertisement for this game I've ever seen. I had only a mild interest in the game before. Now I feel like it's a "must have."
The art doesn't look overly-anime to me. I prefer the western art style and can't play a game that looks anime. Anime is way too feminine and kiddie for my taste. However, the Street Fighter-type voices and sound effects I hear in this video would drive me absolutely insane pretty quickly. Also, I find the tank/healer/dps thing to be an overdone mechanic that was never any good in the first place. I'm going to have to pass on this one.
It's like Blubadox said. If you're familiar with Diablo and Diablo 2, you know that the controls have been scaled way back in Diablo 3, as if to make it easier to port to console.
When are these publishers going to learn that I don't want to see the freaking cinematics in game trailers. I want to see the GAMEPLAY. Cinematics are completely irrelevant.
Nice video. I remember playing the game at the bowling alley. It was THE game. You had to wait in line to play it. The secret moves were passed along mostly by experimentation and word-of-mouth as there wasn't much of an internet back then. I never cared that much for Street Fighter, but Mortal Kombat hooked me with the first quarter.
@cstrng123 @Hells_rebelion To me, the graphics are just and gritty and dark. What fails to immerse me as fully as in the previous Diablo incarnations is the new soundtrack. It's good, but the previous soundtrack was powerful, IMO. Just hearing the music took me to another place mentally. I felt like I was in some dark, scary place even without looking at the screen.
@cstrng123 @Hells_rebelion I don't know where you're seeing cartoons other than in the portraits. The portraits are indeed cartoonish and I don't care for that, but it's not a gamebreaker. They don't look like WoW's anime-inspired cartoons, though. That would really turn me off.
RoadStar1602's comments