Assassin's Creed II was a great game.
Brotherhood was okay, Revelations was horrible but they were mainly filler to help fund ACIII and keep us busy. They were also made by seperate teams and ACIII has been in development since just a little after ACII.
As for why Connor fights the British, his village was attacked and ever since he's wanted to fight against tyranny and for freedom.
Honestly you sound completely stupid... You make it sound like just because he's half mohawk indian he absolutely has to fight for the British.
Did you know in World War II when the United States was deciding whether or not to enter the war one person voted no... Only one. There was every reason to go to war, yet he said no.
Connor's village may support the British but does it mean he has to? No.
Your parents may favor a certain political position but does that mean you are required to support the same? No, not at all.
Everyone has their own personality and their own choices to make, and saying that Connor has to support the British because he's mohawk indian is ridiculous, especially when you haven't even seen the plot behind the game.
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