Rob740's forum posts
You have no idea how many people think they can buy two 10 dollar games and get a 50 dollar game for free. Not that I mind explaining (well maybe I do just a little), but if these people stopped to think for a second they'd realize that's too good to be true. Anyone with good common sense can figure out that that simply doesn't make business sense for Gamestop, or for any business. And when they do find out its the cheapest one you get free they get angry and say its not a good deal.
Anyway....I took mirror's edge, resistance 2, and got MGS4 free. Pretty damn good deal considering I got about 6 bucks off mirror's edge and resistance 2 each with the edge card (too bad my employee discount didn't work in combination with the promo :( )
5. Dead Space
4. Silent Hill
3. Doom 3
2. Silent Hill 2
1. Resident Evil
RE4 was a great game, definately one of my favorites of all time, but not scary at all. I haven't played the Fatal Frame games, but will definately pick them up if I ever find them used (found them online for $ thanks).
The first Resident Evil doesn't scare now, but I was only around 7 or 8 when it first came out, and it traumatized me for a few years.
It will withstand the test of time forever.
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