People will probably disagree with my choice, but I'm going to say Oblivion. The only mention I ever hear any more is people putting the game down. I think it's one of the best games of the generation, and again IMO, EASILY the best RPG this gen.
RobbRipken's forum posts
I'll agree that it does probably contribute to sales. I had one die(not because of RROD) on me and replaced it, because I felt it was more worthwhile to buy a new one for $350 than to pay to have M$ fix it for $100 (at the time M$ didn't cover E74).
However, I recently had my PS3 die, RIGHT BEFORE UNCHARTED 2 came out!!!and I did the same thing with the same logic. I'd rather have a brand new system than have a fixed one that could die at any time without any chance of a warranty.
Halo 3, it has all the crazy moments.For instance, when you stick a warthog, then it blows up and goes flying into your team mates and kills them too. No matter how many other shooters I play, I always come back to this one.
It's an amazing game where you get to take gorgeous women, and put them in really sexy bathing suits, and then you get to watch them do stuff. Like sit by the pool, or ride a water slide! I've probably put 200 hours into this game, I got every single achievement, and even every single swimsuit! It's graphics are unmatched! Plus the physics are phenomenal!
You guys don't understand! I went out and bought my Xbox 360 just for this game. While I was at it, I went ahead and bought a few other games. I bought Too Human (loved it), Halo 3 (couldn't sit through it), and Kung Fu Panda (pretty good, beat it three times).
The fact that I basically bought the system for nothing now is sooo annoying. I could have bought the PSP for this, and then purchased Katamari, as well as every Socom. Now I'm gonna trade in my 360 and get a PSP for this!
I just really like the way that Hale leads his squads into battle to fight those alien things. You just really get this sense of being human.
Nathan Hale! He's just so charismatic. He's got great leadership capabilties, strong sense of morality, and if you're a girl he's probably not bad looking either.
Who would you guys think?
I don't mind if side quests are hard. I hope though that the main quest isn't too difficult. In FFX I had to grind for 10 hours to beat the final boss (I didn't do any side quests, I won't do any in 13, JRPGs don't have good side quests). He would turn my party members to stone, then I would break them out (using up my turns). Then he would do an attack that practically killed my whole party.
I'm not the world's biggest Sony fan, however, I will say they've really earned a lot of respect from me this year. I think Sony finally gaining momentum could be a great thing for us as gamers. Obviously, Sony in last right now is causing them to step up their game. It's pushing M$ to try and put out better exclusive/PC-Xbox 360 games. Even Nintendo is being forced to make an effort now.
So yes, I agree in some ways that it can make the difference.
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