[QUOTE="mjk1"]i think as soon as you enter the first chevron on the computer ior dhd is start spinning and on earth i think yo have to wait unitil the first chevron is locked before you can enter the next chevron but on off world gate with dhd's you can enter the address very quickly and then the gate basically lags and tries to catch up and dail on what you have entered. i hope that makes sensemjk1
sorry it diddent make mutch sense but really does it take the adress and use it like a phone and wait till the whole thing is dialed and then it finds the adress that was dialed and connects? or anny other method of dialing ?
[QUOTE="Robotroid"]ya just like if you hit 1 on a phone all phones in the world that start with 1 ring untill you hit 2 and all the ones that start with 12 begin to ring and so on and so on untill you fininhs and onley one phone is left riningingKneller1
ya just like if you hit 1 on a phone all phones in the world that start with 1 ring untill you hit 2 and all the ones that start with 12 begin to ring and so on and so on untill you fininhs and onley one phone is left rininging
   I have a question about when they dial the gate how come when they dial or have an incomeing wormhole the gate starts spinning as its beeing dialed on the other side ?
   does it work like a phone and wait till the whole adress is dialed then it finds it and there is a time delay between out going activateion and incomeing?
  if im not makeing anny sense just ignore me and ill go sit in a corner and play mario kart ds.
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