RockHardNuts' forum posts
Im about ready to get a PS3(finally). The problem is I cant decide which version to get. I'll probably only use it for games( maybe a few movies) and no online.
So is the 80 Gb worth the extra $100 bucks?
To Jonny ramone: No, it wasn't Blitz(even though thats one of my favs of all time), it was some nameless game that was actually pretty poor in quality but rich in F-U-N (at least I thought so)
There are a lot of great games here that never even crossed my mind. If Nintendo ever starts releasing these classics in a flurry, I might just lock myself in my room for about a month
Even though Nintendo has done a good job releasing some quality games for the VC( Super Metroid, Link to the Past) there have also been some QUESTIONABLE releases as well( China Warrior anyone?)
That said, here are the games that I most want for the VC:
Banjo Kazooie: Gotta have me some Banjo Kazooie. I had the cartridge a long time ago but I lost it.....
Banjo Tooie: I loved Banjo Kazooie so much that its a wonder I never got around to getting this game
Majoras Mask: Same story as with Banjo Kazooie.......dammit !!
Some football game: Cant remember the name of this game, but I had so much fun playing this with my pops in my young'un days that I wish I could play it again.
Many more but those are all I can think of off the top of my head.
I'm trying to figure out which Madden to buy for my little bro. I mostly hear that Madden 08 is one of the best maddens ever made, but then I also hear that its an unplayable piece of crap. So here's my options:
Madden 08 for either Wii, PS2, or GC
OR Madden 07 for the Wii( I hear far less about technical problems for this one)
What do you guys think?
My favorite series of all time it Final fantasy.................
but I have to say KH3. Because I loved the first two, it would seem to have potential on the wii, and I haven' really enjoyed the last couple of final fantasies( 10 was the last great one)
Yes, even though Its possible to make a homemade one(with maybe a coat hanger?), I can still afford $20
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