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Rockhopper_45 Blog

Here I go again

Well everyone that time has come for me again. I start school this Friday. All weekday PMs will be answered at around 4:15 when I get off the bus. I will be in the 8th grade this year I got the teachers I wanted but all my friends are in the other family (or block or whatever you call it) So wish me luck I hope I don't make my first B this year.

Freezing Cold Game Files: Kirby and the Cyrstal Shards

This is where I talk about great games that have long since been forgotton. Today's game Kirby and the Cyrstal Shards. One of my favorite games as a kid. The levels where fun mixing powers was my greatest pastime. When my friends come over instead of playing Mario Cart 64 we played the awseome and uniquie minigames for hours at a time. If I got bored of that we would take turns in story mode. To this day I still find myself playing this game. If you have a N64 get this or wait until it comes on virtual console for the wii. This is an easily overlooked games but is one of my favorites

Platnum Rock: Custom Robo Arena

This is where i talk about games that i really like but you don't hear much of. Today's game Custom Robo Arena. This game is what I believe is a cure for those with pokemon fever. I found it unique and fun. Wi-Fi capabilities make it awesome with so many different customizations you will never see two of the same robot. It has good story lines even though the dialogues can be a little trying it is still really fun/ For RPG fans looking for something original this is for you.


Wel everyone the reason i might be "appariting" out of gamespot for a while is because the new HARRY POTTER book is out. I am so excited.


The screams of joy at E3 will quickly be turned into screams of fear after you hear this THREATDOWN!!Threat 5 Bob Barker- Bob Barker is obviously a legend but since he retired who is going to tell the old cat ladies to help control the pet population by spaying and neutering their cats. The cat ladies are going to think the pet population is under control and no longer spay and neuter their cats. The cats will than reproduce and teach there young the ways of the humans. The cats will build an army and storm the white house no one will stop them because they are to cute to destroy.Threat 4Nintendo- At their E3 press conference nintendo announced that more and more woman are playing the Wii. Why is this a theart? The answer is obvious instead of men playing video games woman will instead and force all the men to all the work. Whenever you get alone time and play video games the woman will ask to play with. That doesn't sound bad sharing the love of video games with the woman in your life. Well through past experience woman can multi-task. So while you kill zombies in Resident Evil:UC. The woman will tell you ALL about her day. Meaning 24 hours with your woman. You will get no alone time and be with woman ALL day long.Threat 3 Mitt Romney- Mitt Romney is a Mormon. That is bad for our country. Look at this scenario. Mitt Romney is elected president. Than Osama ben Laden comes out of hiding. He says that he has 15 nuclear missiles pointed at America. All he requests is that Mitt Romney has to drink a can of Pepsi. Well Mormons can't do that meaning we are all dead.Threat 2 BEARS-

"When you think of the bear, the majority of people would think of them ambling down the slopes of a hill from the woodland towards the stream, pausing at the waters edge, looking intently before swiping with a huge clawed paw and scooping dinner up out of the water." This quote came from The question is what is dinner most likely it is an unsuspecting fisherman. The bears have hypnotized these writers to tell such lies using the gift given by threat 1.

Threat 1 Theodore Roosevelt- He might still be dead but his wrath continues with the TEDDY BEAR. The TEDDY BEAR is given to small kids. The TEDDY BEAR hypnotizes these small kids into thinking that all bears are cute and cuddly. When the child is out in the forest for some reason and he or she sees a bear he or she thinks it is just like the little demon toy at home and try's to hug it. The bears are infiltrating are homes and are hypnotizing our kids. How do you prevent this? Well it is obvious sit your kids in front of a TV lock all the doors and never let your children leave the house.

That is it for today's THREATDOWN.

The Word: E3

Last blog didn't turn out as well as I wanted it to so instead I will go to the word. Rightfully the word today is E3. E3 might have been smaller this year but the announcements were bigger. There was some talk about the phantom hourglass and the DS but all eyes where on the wii at the nintendo press conference. For all that didn't see it this is what happened. I will save the best for last. The announcement of the game wiifit. This game will use something called the balance board instead of a wii remote. With this revealed nintendo failed to reveal a price or date. This was not the question in everyone's mind. The real question is does it help us lose weight. Than we knew it was coming but it still shocked us. The revealing of Mario Cart Wii. That is right everyone Mario Cart Wii. With this in mind when it is released NEXT YEAR it will be bundled with a steering wheel. Than there is the Wii Zapper (seriously that is what it is called) it is some kind of Gun thing that i was ignoring because of these two major announcements. Just to torture everyone these two games will be released this year within a month of each other. One in November and one in December. The first game is Super Mario Galaxay!!!!!!!! It will be released November 12!!!!!!!! Than (ehhh this is my favorite part) on De.......cember.....3. The game that will be released is....Super.......smash.......brothers........BRAWL!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I am so excited. This is so exciting!!

And with that it concludes today's Word

Water Gym

I neaver thought it would happen but I am the new water gym leader in the pokemon gym union. I have a lot of work ahead of me and alot of EV training. I hope I can finish quickly.

I'm Back

OK I am back. I had really fun at my dog show and did very well I got first in my junior handling class today and second yesterday with my pug Elvis. I also showed a Bernise Mountain Dog named Z. I won Best of opposite sex with her. It feels realy good to be back.

Dog Show

Hi everyone tomorrow at noon I am leaving for a dog show in Huntington, WV. the Hotel we are staying in has Internet and i am bringing a computer if i don't answer your PMs don't be mad i will try to answer them when i can wish me luck.


These are my favorite unions that I encourage you to join. I like all of my unions but these stick out above the rest.

Legion of Gamers - My all time favorite union. Definitely an interactive union. It makes you feel like part of a family and my time there is well spent. There are fun tournaments where if you lose your opponent will gladly help you get better. Everyone is friends and I enjoy talking to them. I am now an officer there and to me I am extremely proud of that.

Pokemon Gym Union My second favorite union. I think this is a great idea. All the officers are gym leaders and the challenger is you. This is such a small union and it has a lot of potential in it. They are still working out a few minor problems but it is a great union. i find myself training harder so that maybe I can beat all the gym leaders and become an elite four member. just the chance of doing that makes me tremble with excitement.

I like all my unions but these are my favorites I encourage all of you to check these and the rest of my unions. Please join them if you don't like them just resign. i want all of you to test them out. If any of you want me to join your union just post the union you want me to join and I will check it out.