Why do you assume it's EA? Is BioWare not capable of failure on their own? Publishers get all the blame for the flaws, while developers get all the praise for the successes. It makes a lot of assumptions on the role the publisher and developer play in game development.
You can call EA money hungry, but BioWare accepted the offer from EA, so it's BioWare's fault too, if you do truly think EA is evil. If you make a deal with the devil knowing it's the devil, you're just as much to blame for accepting the deal.
BioWare accepted the deal and then probably got a little lax knowing they had a safety blanket to fall back on if they screw up.
But can you prove that EA was responsible for BioWare's shift to DLC? EVERY RPG developer has been trying to do DLC lately, even Square Enix with XIII-2. Just because BioWare shifted to DLC and Day-1 things doesn't mean it wasn't their idea. It's too easy to blame the publisher every time the developer does stupid things. I'm sure at least some of the developers bought by EA screwed up on their own. All the EA hate assumes the developers were infallible and incapable of screwing up on their own.
You cite something from DAO as "proof" of the EA influence, but DAO was widely regarded as great. And yet EA doesn't get any of the credit for the success, and all the blame for the failures. That's not very fair. Maybe every developer should get bought by a publisher, since it means no one will ever blame them again, getting all the love while the hate gets put on their publisher.
And who even knows what "the original BioWare teams" means, given that development studios still have a turnaround. I'm sure the main Edmonton Studio doesn't have all the same employees who worked on their early stuff. Hell, the Austin studio had Drew Karpyshyn, the writer of KotOR and the first 2 ME games. If that doesn't count as "original BioWare", I don't know what is.
Not really holding my breath on that. They've been trying to make that "emulator" since the NGE happened 7 years ago, and still don't have it "complete". Maybe it'll get finished around the time same the KotOR2 Restoration Project is done.
I also liked the SyFy anime block. It had some gems I doubt I would've ever seen on Adult Swim. Gundam 00 for starts(loved both seasons of that), but also TTGL(Gurren Lagann, my #2 anime ever), Noein(a great underrated time travel/alternate timeline anime), and even the old classic "Now and Then, Here and There"(the best most depressing anime I've seen).
The SyFy anime block ended exactly 4 years after it started(give or take a week), so theories are that the anime block had a 4 year contract that expired.
They announced TOR in October'2008. They didn't announce the shutting down of SWG until July'2011. They didn't pull the plug on SWG until December'2011. An argument could be made that the timing of SWG shutting down the same week as TOR's launch as being intentional. But saying they announced TOR right after they pulled the plug on SWG is just false.
But people were calling a KotOR MMO the second BioWare announced they were making a MMO(especially once it was learned that LucasArts was a partner with them on the MMO).
False. TOR was in the works years before EA bought BioWare. They started work on TOR in 2006. EA bought BioWare in something like 2009. How can EA force a company to make a specific game when they wouldn't own them until years after they started making the game?
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