Rogue_Patriot's forum posts
Hey guys i have waited for ages for my PS3. Why u Americans thinking your getting ripped off? cheaper console getting the console early, we Europeans were getting ripped off we are paying more for our console and we get it several months after u! And by the way its not def that every European will get the free movie.
Anyway i guess its kool we get much better chances of getting one on day 1 and also so many more titles to choice from! By the time the uk get bored of these games, its alright cause then more and more titles will start to come out no waiting and being bored with lack of titles.
(World of Warcraft: When will you people learn? I mean honestly...come on...serious.................yeah.)
If anyone askes that is the title.
NA MATE, i got me a AMD 4200 x2 and it sucks had it about 5 months now so unhappy with it that i'm buying a new mobo and intel processor in april.
New specs:
ASUS stricker Extreme Mobo
Intel QX6700
I guess getting sexi black box is an upside But they still need alot more to win me over.
Dude a few months! the idea for episodic games is out in short space of time not the length of a normal game that has more hours of game play. They have failed short game long time waiting for it
yeah, y do valve feel the need to go on consoles anyway? console owners don't appreciate gd games anyway all they get is ports give them that let us PC gamers get it first and let them wait for once.
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