like a division of yours? No but you can have more than one gamertags on a single console if that is what you mean but you can't have subdivisions of gamertags
PoC game SUCKED it was so confusing with the camera angles and there was really nothing to do in the gameWorst Game on 360 though Gears of War JUST KIDDING
rock band comes w/ a mic converter thingy and makes a smaller input to put in a hole in front of the xbox controller layout
that's ridiculus1. this game has been out a long time so if they wanted to sue they could have done it like 2 years ago2. cmon just because it is a zombie survival game type thing in a mall does not mean it is related!
yeah Imperial City in Oblivion is pretty sweetor the city where your statue is after you beat the game
b/c MS made a crap rule that anyone below the age of 18(when you can get M games at the age of 17) should not be allowed to view RP or M material
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