Romperstomper74 Blog
Not a happy bunnie
by Romperstomper74 on Comments
Ok after posting yesterday on mt blog about the Xbox 360 I took all your comments into consideration and I have got myself into saving for one! Along with the games that you have so kindly suggested that I check out, so I am going to be busy with my money in the new year.
I start searching the games that I am interested in like for instance God of War 3, and its going to be a PS3 exclusive because its being made by SCEA in Santa Monica, so the review thing said anyway, so Now I am going to have to get a PS3 as well for what ? One damn game that I like, thats the only reason I bought the original Xbox! So as you can imagine I am not very happy about this now I only hope that Tomb Raider 8 which is currently a working title will be made for multi format consoles like they did with Legend!
:evil: :evil: :evil:
Xbox live whats the deal ?
by Romperstomper74 on Comments
Ok I am having a dense moment here, I do not have the xbox 360 Ive always been a sony fan myself but im willing to branch out and try new things you know. But what is the deal with this Xbox live thing, I mean what exactly can you do with it ? Also does it cost anything to be on this xbox live ? Also if anyone can think of some really good games that are a must get for the system let me know because I am thinking about getting the xbox 360
Xmas a stressful time for parents
by Romperstomper74 on Comments
You only really get a sense of how stressful the Christmas holidays are when you become a parent. You understand what pressure there is on the parents to provide their children with what they are asking for. I finally found out how stressful it was this year. I have a 6 year old daughter who has watched me mess around with the nintendo ds and the dalmatians and friends nintendogs game.
Constantly she would comment on how when she was older she was going to havea pink ds and the nintendogs game to play. So this year in September I decided to place an order with a mail catalogue thing for a nintendo ds with a couple of games for it for nearly £170 for christmas for her.
Needless to say the nintendo ds and games did not arrive in september and when i called them back I was advised that it would be delivered to me by October, I waited until October and still no show of what I had ordered, I was then advised that it would be with me by the 2nd of November. Again I waited for it and still no show, called them again and was told to wait until the 16 or 17th of November, still didnt arrive so called them back and they told me that Nintendo have made so many promises to people this year that they simply can not supply every order and they are working like mad to complete backdated orders and get them sent out i was to wait until the first week of december for my order. I told them to stuff it and went out and bought one just the system no extra games for it for a little under £100.
I didnt think with so little time left to xmas that I would finally get my hands on one for my 6 year old daughter who was and still is desperate for one, so its a good job that i didnt tell her that she was going to get one.
by Romperstomper74 on Comments
I've come to realise I have now been a member of gamespot for oever 2 years now and I have done so much in my time on here, I mean I have written reviews,uploaded videos, done a lot of taggin, watched some cool news reviews and read some as well with all the new games coming out.
Then I found all the unions where they say is the best place to find friends, I have joined an countless amount of unions that I have no interest in just out of politness for the invitation that has been sent to me via my unions part of my gamespot site. I was a member of at least 15 unions and after sorting them out I have found that I am only really interested in like 6, so why be a member of so many unions and not to mention you join them to make friends and half of the people in the union are only interested in the game not making friends through similar interests.
Prince of Persia
by Romperstomper74 on Comments
I was just looking through my game collection and noticed I had 2 of these games in there, and was wondering if anyone out there can tell me if they are worth playing. I mean do they have a great storyline, lots of action and puzzles, because at the moment I am finishing off my god of war games and need something else to fill the empty space when im done. So can anyone out there in the gamespot community let me know if they have played or heard about these games and if they are worth playing thanks guys :)
Long time no type .............
by Romperstomper74 on Comments
I havent been around on gamespot much recently, I guess I kinda lost my passion for playing games for a little while. That was until I came accross Kratos and God of War 2. I played that one and fell in love with the instantly. So I found an excellent walk through guide and played that none stop in my spare time when the children were in bed, I have managed to complete easy and spartan modes on the game now im considering going for the God and Titan modes of the game. But then I bought a new game and couldnt wait to check it out. Yes it was the original God oF War that came out.
I've only just started playing the 1st god of war so I cant really say if I like it better than the second one yet, but I cant wait to get further into the game. I dont know about others out there in the gaming community agree with me or not but for me this game also has a little bit of an educational curve, I have always liked Greek mythology, just with having 3 children my home life can be a little bit busy from time to time so I never really had the chance to look it up or learn anything about it. So this game is giving me in insight into all the gods and their position in Olympus. When I get my own computer up and running again and im not using my moms lap top i will be writting a review of both games.
Nothing much new is going on with me at the moment apart from getting back into my gaming and trying to take my children to school everyday but that is proving to be a task in itself with them bringing home bugs that make them sick all the time lol .... So now i am waiting for them to get better so I can take them back to school
God of War 2
by Romperstomper74 on Comments
I decided to buy this game after looking it up on gamespot and on retailers sites the other day, I havent played it yet because its an 18 classification and I have 3 children that are really too young to be watching a game like that. If anyone out there has played it dont hesitate to come and give spoilers or views on the game all the info given will be much appreciated
Madeleine Mccann
by Romperstomper74 on Comments
Ok here comes a rant so if you dont want to read it I suggest you dont read any further, and please dont PM me with abusive behaviour, what I write on this blog space is my personal thoughts and opinions you can either agree or disagree with me, because at the end of the day every human being that breaths in oxygen on this planet has that right!
They took in this childs mother yesterday for questioning, and they are still saying that they have left no area of this story unturned and whatever. Yeah that as maybe but the forensic evidence is suggesting other wise, or the police wouldnt have takenthem both back in for intensive questioning, the mother could hardly look at the cameras. Is that a look of shame or embarressment on her behalf ? who knows only she knows the answer.
But what I am having a problem with more than anything here with this story is, that they took her on holiday and on the last night they decided to leave their children because they have a set of twins also. They left those children on their own in a foreign country with no one to look after them and they were about a 5 minute walk away. Anything could of happened to those children, they could of choked to death on something, they could of suffered a serious illness suddenly as you know that some do just come on and i presonally think that 4 year old child was not old enough to take care of younger siblings!!!
These parents should of been arrested and charged with neglect and abondoment. Back in the UK similar charges would have been applied already not so much a muder charge but neglect because of what they done to their children they simply broke the law, yet there they are travelling around the world trying to find their "precious" little girl, getting more and more media coverage where they should be serving time in prison already. Call me heartless or whatever you like, but I am a mother of 3 children, I have 2 little girls that are one year either side of Madeleines age, and I would never ever think about leaving my children unattended in my own country nevermind a foreign country where anything could happen to them.
Well its been nearly 7 years and I finally agreed!!!!
by Romperstomper74 on Comments
From the title of this post you most probably dont know what I'm talking about to I will let you all know here. I have been with my partner for nearly 7 years in January and we got engaged when I fell pregnant with my 1st child. Well another 2 children followed that one, so all the parents out there know that it can be a struggle with one working parent and the other at home looking after house and family so we havent had the money to do the final stage which is get married.
So with my computer going down about a week or so ago now, we came into a bit of money and decided to manage with sharing my mothers laptop, and use some of that money to tie the knot. We have the date and we are doing the deed on Friday the 19th of October at 2:30pm UK time...... So to all of you out there who know me and those of you who dont know me Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
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