Not that I disagree with some comments on Jimmy Fallon being an airhead, but I can understand the confusion for those who don't follow these things that closely. Terrible name for starters.
Ross_the_Boss6's forum posts
It's something fun to do while I listen to Pandora. It could eventually lead to some decent spending money. Some of the prices people are paying on the RMAH are ridiculous (talking $50+ for one item, and these are in the level 30 range where people are playing Nightmare difficulty). ****ed up world we live in, and I plan to take advantage.
I wouldn't exactly call it carebearing. If you are a class getting one shot in solo now, you'll still get one shot. I play both DH and monk and co-op is an entirely different experience on each class. On my DH, I still die in one hit, mobs have more HP, but provided I'm playing with another ranged class, the added HP makes no difference. Now playing on my monk, a friend joins my game and now mobs take longer to kill and I can no longer tank any hits. I don't know what options they had other than deleting melee classes.[QUOTE="juno84"][QUOTE="SRTtoZ"]
120 hours into it, I agree that its great, but not the greatest ever. It kind of bums me out that they are going to carebear it up and make inferno easier.
Then buff the melee classes. I am currently in act 4 and having no issues with progression as a DH. Its taken me weeks to get to this point but thats the entire point of inferno, it wasnt mean to be beaten in DAYS (even though it was). When 1.0.3 comes out, people will be trucking through inferno at will and beat it and then say 'ok what now?'. Inferno is supposed to be downright NASTY hard but its completely beatable if you put the time and effort into it. Monks def need a buff but other classes that put the time into beating it with the right gear and the right build have no problem progressing.
I remember how excited people were to hear how hard Inferno is. Now they want it nerfed. Gamers are just too hard to please.
I'm not sure what the sales were like, but if they weren't great then I can understand why they're taking this approach. Their first priority is to make money.
Honestly though, gamers are the hardest demographic to please. Every change is a bad one, and a game that doesn't change is bad as well.
If you don't like it, don't buy it. Other games will come along...
[QUOTE="Ross_the_Boss6"][QUOTE="FPSfan1985"] I am a DH, and inferno is anything but easy. Easy if you have a Monk to tank for you, but solo everything will one shot you. And you will die 20 times to one elite pack.FPSfan1985
It sounds like either you suck or your build sucks. You have a solid DPS, you should be able to solo the game just fine with a DH...
You sound like someone who hasn't spent much time in act 3 or 4 inferno. No one solos these acts just fine. They all die and die alot.okey dokey. Have fun.:)
[QUOTE="ReadingRainbow4"][QUOTE="FPSfan1985"] umm it's easiest solo.. if your a DH that is. Inferno requires a good team with good team work. I don't think it's possible solo to be honest and without some type of voice communication. FPSfan1985I am a DH, and inferno is anything but easy. Easy if you have a Monk to tank for you, but solo everything will one shot you. And you will die 20 times to one elite pack.
It sounds like either you suck or your build sucks. You have a solid DPS, you should be able to solo the game just fine with a DH...
Gamers: *spews horrible derogatory comments*
Aisha Tyler: *rips gamers a new one*
Gamers: " don't say that...grow thicker skin lady...":(
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