Take back what I said about the Demon Hunter. Played around with the skills and found a more viable method for killing enemies. Think it's my most effective class as of now. Interested in trying a Witch Doctor build I think could be great, need to be a much higher level in order for it to work though.
So glad Blizzard didn't lock us into one build for each character. Experimentation is the way to go.
I'm trying to get into the DH, but am finding that his usage of hatred is misbalanced. It runs out way too fast (especially rapid fire) and recharges far too slowly to fight large mobs with. By contrast the wizard's arcane power recharges in 10-15 seconds and her spells feel far more powerful and can easily take out more enemies. Hell, with one rune equipped you can use the disentigrate (or freeze beam, can't remember) for like 30+ seconds straight, and it brings down enemies no problem. A lot of the classes powers are unbalanced compared to one another. Hopefully this will be fixed in patches.
What I'm starting to like about the Demon Hunter is I don't have to kite much...really not at all. All my skills are going towards keeping my discipline up so I can keep casting Smoke Screen. Then I just stand there using Rapid Shot (and Bola Shot if hatred runs out). It'll get even better when I get more runes and passives to support this style.
Going through Act 1 with the Wizard soon. Curious to see how it compares.
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