Dragon Age: Origins. They offered quite the challenge and required the player to mix up their usual strategy.
Ross_the_Boss6's forum posts
I've had my computer since summer but a problem that recently started occurring is my games will minimize out of full screen while I'm playing them. It only happens once or twice soon after I've turned my computer on and then it seems to stop. Any reasons this could be happening? I thought it might have something to do with AMD Vision Engine Control because once I saw the icon for that flash for a brief second on the task bar as my game minimized.
It's not a big issue, as I said it stops after once or twice, but if there's an easy fix I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
I think I will go ahead and get that cooler. $35 isn't bad at all, especially considering I've been playing my games with noise cancelling headphones (it's that bad). My nice speakers are going to waste :(. I remember when building my PC, getting that cooler attached was a pain in the ass. Ah well.
Thanks for the help!
Alright, opened it up and ran a game. It's definitely the stock fan that came with my CPU. I've heard those can be pretty crappy fans. Should I just look into buying a new one, and/or can I control it?
I can't really be sure as they all run at once and I have no program to control them. Sorry, pretty new to this stuff. Learning as I go.
So one thing I've noticed with my relatively new PC is it runs very loudly, and I'd like to hear some reasons why this could be the case (and maybe some solutions). It's possible I have some pretty crappy fans but the case I got had good reviews (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146025). I also recently cleaned out the dust.
Also, can someone recommend a good program to keep track of my computer's temperature and manually control the fans. Thanks.
[QUOTE="gameofthering"]So its like smoking pot in Amsterdam?I think they are the same. Just that one is legal :P
Or shooting heroin in hamsterdam.
Nine pages of discussion clearly shows what Clooney did worked. He tried to draw awareness to the cause and he did. Go him.
Also, people should ignore posters like Pirate700. His posts are obviously idiotic. He's basically saying celebrities are incapable of unselfishly supporting a good cause, but for whatever reason he is capable.
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