She gets some undeserved hate, and the stuff she says that does deserve criticism gets entirely way too much. It's sick the things people have been saying. Unfortunately, that's the nature of the internet. Anonymity allows people to say/do things they wouldn't dare in person. She may be throwing insults back, but she's doing it with her real name attached. All the anonymous haters are just cowards.
And let's be honest, good writing or bad writing, Dragon Age II would have sucked.
I actually feel bad for this lady. People here say the vagina comment is out of line (which I agree does not exactly help her situation), but have you seen the terrible things posted on her Twiiter?
She may not be the best writer, but she's still human.
[QUOTE="reach3"]I will admit, keyboard and mouse in MUCH more accurate, but I just don't like it. I fells lame clicking a mouse to fire a gun. and walking holding down a button is weak also. It just feels unnatural to me. Pulling a trigger on a controller feels much better and is actually natural for shooting a gun. Walking also feels better for a thumbstick and controlling momentum. While keyboard and mouse is undoubtedly superior in a precision-sense...a controller feels much more natural and just feels plain better for games to me.tenaka2
Your a moron.
^ I really hate the new rules. Why even post? It's not like you're being funny.
Anyways, to TC: I actually agree that a controller has some benifits over k/m, even for FPSs. I think it's too quickly shrugged off as an inferiror playing method. With that said, I still prefer k/m.
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