I haven't played it but aside from a few exceptions, Bioware's DLC kind of sucks. Their games are awesome though so I still love them.
Since Disuss isn't a word I'm going to assume you meant disuse. Honestly though, I don't know why JRPG fans disuse shooters.
I loved it. I'd rate it higher than 2 and 3 but lower than Combat Evolved. It's about on the same level as ODST for me.
Fox News still doesn't seem to understand the greatest influence on a child's development is their family and peers.It's okay Fox News. I don't blame you for your ignorance and stupidity. I blame your parents for failing you so miserably.
It's not a deal breaker for me but I'm not a fan of the battery life.I don't play handhelds on the go much so I'm mostly playing in my home. Still, I don't like playing handhelds while I'm hooked up to a cord.I'm waiting for a redesign regardless, so hopefully it improves some.
This isn't a racist thread, is it?urtin3To quote Jerry Seinfeld, "If I like their race, how can that be racist?"For me, it's got to be Johnson.He's one of my favorite characters in general.
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