Well we all new it was going to happen once EA bought them but as a slap in the face to the ps3 they say that even after confirming that i would stay ps3 exlusive that there where devoloping for the 360 and porting to the ps3 LoL well this is great news for me beacase Mercinareies was my favorite singal player xbox 1 game and it another great game 360 is getting in 2007(OMG I NEED MORE $)LINK http://www.gamespot.com/news/6166230.html?tag=latestnews;title;4
This overview was done by roryrc Overview: (READ) Rough Storyline: In a desperate, near future setting where controlling the planet's depleting fossil resources determines the ultimate fate of civilization. A global war for oil is being waged between two superpowers, the Western Coalition (US/EU) and the Red Star Alliance (Russia/China), and players will be instrumental in determining how the war is waged -- and won. Development for PC, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3 on Unreal 3 Engine Urban Warfare. Set in the Near-Future. Objective non-linear gameplay - You get to choose your own path to victory. Squad based teamplay (Optional). Tactical Nuclear Missiles. Players will be offered around 60 weapons and vehicles. Vehicles ranging from Assault Tanks to experimental RC Drones along with Jets, Helicopters, Off-Road Vehicles. Strong focus on Co-Operative and Multiplayer modes. Will support Widescreen Monitors. Roles define your abilities and strategic role on the front. These abilities unlock during a single match based on your actions and have auto reload timers for use. Your loadout defines your primary and secondary weapons. There are 6 loadouts and 4 roles. You can combine any loadout with any role. Ability to call in Air Strikes. All air strikes are player targeted (Air Support Role). Although the airstrikes can be defeated by the countermeasure role. Destructible Environment Xbox 360 aiming for 32+ Players. PC will see 64 Players. 10 planned multiplayer maps each including different objectives. Delayed Sounds. Example: You are standing 100 meters away from a bomb being exploded instead of hearing the sound on instant explosion, you'll receive it after certain amount of seconds. All weapons are skill based, only the sentry gun is automatic. Example: the Rocket launcher (Javelin) allows you to fast straight fire or lock. If you lock, you can pick a trajectory for angle of attack (Vehicles have weak spots). If you straight fire, it's based on your aiming skills. Target sharing, a second person is needed in a vehicle to "mark" the target. Then only the gunner can see it. Missile defeat is also player controlled; you have to spot the incoming rocket, aim at it, and shoot it down. It's not that easy, though if you master it, your vehicle will be stronger. That said, you need two people in the vehicle for it to be useful. (Driver Gunner, Counter measure Targeting) Will contain a Single Player campaign. - The single player campaign will focus on this powerful storyline as players' execute missions focused on non-linear gameplay, moving their frontline through enemy held territory. Single Player contains eight theaters of war. The Artificial Intelligence for this game can be considered as advanced. For example, if the AI soldiers see you moving around a corner, it will hold its position. If the AI thinks you are about to do something, it'll try to flank you. If they suspect you're in the area, the AI Soldiers will hunt you down, they'll be moving from one place to another around your last known position. If they find you, they can also retreat into defensive positions, cover, and call for help. If there is a slow pace in the game your AI squad could possibly check the status of the mission or tell stories to each other. Maps will be a range of mountain side villages, large open badlands, underground facilities, sea ports, etc. Maps will range from infantry experiences to large scale land and air battles. Inter-vehicle communication. Customize your soldier's tattoos, bandanas, and headgear. Support role revives people with an adrenaline shot. If you give a live person an adrenaline shot, he'll suffer a heart attack . Release Date: Summer 2007 Developed by Kaos Studios Published by THQ ________________________________________ The game Looks amazing!
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