If any real boost of sales were to happen then multiple wide-appealing must haves must come out. In a somewhat perfect world my ideal 2014 launch titles would be
1)Borderlands 2 (Yes I know its comin)
2)Fallout 3, and for the lulz maybe mod support and the previous 2 games
3) A proper COD game( I really dont care if its a port or not)
4) Metro 2033 or the sequel Last Light ( To push the hardware limits of the vita)
5)GTA Chinatown Wars, revamped to be similar to GTA 5 grapphically
6) Persona 5
7) Possibly a sequel to Uncharted Golden Abyss or a Port of 3
8) Grand Turismo ( One made specifically for the vita not a port
But then again a list of games like this all be published in 2014 would need a miracle, a miracle sony need
I answer to this there are rumors of a new Uncharted game with a multiplayer function on the vita, gta will most definintely be coming at some point wether it be a port or a whole new game and if you didn't know there was a leaked image from 'Game' (I think it was Game, a big games retail company anyway) of Call of Duty Ghosts Vita box.
It may be nothing but that is what I can tell you.
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