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#1 RubenNL
Member since 2007 • 51 Posts

Trailer looked pretty **** lousy voice work in the trailer and doesnt look that interesting, hate Treyarch. Hate that they are leaving modern warefare settings for this. nothing in the trailer looked cool. wow climb a tree to hide. :(

Treyarch sucks as a developer

check out there games they did, all suck to average quality.

Not going to even bother buying COD5. COD3's single player sucked and the mulitplayer sucked and shouldnt have vehicles. Which COD5 is going to have :(

Treyarch BLOWS


Can't you people stop whining for 1 lousy second!! Infinity Ward may be a bit better at the genre but that doesn't mean that all of a sudden all games from Treyarch suck... I liked CoD3 and it wasn't that incredibely bad. Also I loved this trailer and it looked spectaculair, a good story and very original. The setting of Iwo Jima hasn't been done that many times before so I think it will actually be fun to play a game in the Japanese setting. btw, they don't climb in trees to hide you nitwit, those are japanese sniper who have attached themselves with a rope to the top of a tree for better vision... Everytime I read a post such as this one i just think all people hate Treyarch because one guy started saying so and now everyone follows that group... not much people judge Treyarch without already having their opinion ready to use.

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#2 RubenNL
Member since 2007 • 51 Posts
Probably get Fable 2, UT3, SW: Force Unleashed and might pick up Banjo kazooie.MadSoldier
Ow man I read this summer as just the holiday, so to expand my list I will also get Fable 2, SW: force unleashed and GoW 2 if it is already available
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#3 RubenNL
Member since 2007 • 51 Posts

These are my plans for the summer: Battlefield Bad Company, Brothers in arms Hells highway and Army of Two because me and a friend of mine loved the demo and we wanna play a coopgame :P

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#4 RubenNL
Member since 2007 • 51 Posts
The masterchief for sure... i mean he has the coolest outfit, with a cool helmet and he just fights his way through entire planets... how badass is that? :D
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#5 RubenNL
Member since 2007 • 51 Posts
battlefield: bad company demo... man i just can't get enough of that awesome demo, although i do think the singleplayer will be bad as usual with games that focus more on the multiplayer (although they did say they would focus more on singleplayer they probably will not)
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#6 RubenNL
Member since 2007 • 51 Posts

the bfg from doom or the doom rick roll gun (search for it on youtube)ablance82

Let me just warn a couple of people here... he wants us to go and find rick roll on youtube, where you will find a video of rick astley with his song called "never gonna give you up" and when you watch that video it is called getting rick rolled... just for the people who didnt know this already!

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#7 RubenNL
Member since 2007 • 51 Posts

how about the nuke missile that you can control in unreal tournament?? (sorry i cant remember what it was called anymore) it could wipe out the entire enemy team with a well guided blast :D

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#8 RubenNL
Member since 2007 • 51 Posts

I quess the creator of this topic is blind and a bad gamer... first of all the graphics are much better than CODs, i mean look at the single player; the faces look much more realistic than in COD. Also everything else has sharper and improved textures along with a more realistic look. As said before the dots are because its a movie filter also used in mass effect. The multiplayer is as much fun as CODs only this time around it has vehicles, which gives it the advantage over COD. The only thing I disliked about it was the waitingtime to respawn but i can get over that. First I thought the feeling of a real warzone couldnt be more realistic when I played COD but when I played BF I really had the feeling I was part of a war and part of a massive battle. Sound effects are great(especially from far away) and the fact that you can destroy almost anything you see is amazingly fun. although it does feel scripted sometimes because you always blow the same shape of a hole in buildings and walls.

For me this is more than enough to definitely buy this game when it comes out. P.S. sorry for the harsh sentence at the beginning but I just don't understand you and i think you are being too much of a critic to even enjoy playing games...

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#9 RubenNL
Member since 2007 • 51 Posts
I agree with the majority of you guys and I think the multiplayer is great :D on the other hand it is true the ranking system goes a bit too fast, but i don't care a lot about it. What I do believe will make this game a bit better then COD4 is the single player. I say a bit better because the single player on COD was short but great fun, whereas the single player on battlefield is probably going to be longer because the emphasis is more on the single player. But only a little bit because I believe the single player is going to miss a lot of actual story and is going to be just about the same as the multiplayer only now you are fighting against NPC russians and mercenaries. I hope they make an in-depth single player because that's what they promised. As said before I love the multiplayer so that's already one major good aspect of the game. I will definitely buy this game. (BTW i've also played A LOT of COD 4 so i know what i'm talking about :) )
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#10 RubenNL
Member since 2007 • 51 Posts

Once, i was just finished watching a cutscene before the start of a mission for ray boccino. The screen went from black to normal and i started walking straight ahaid to my car and just 2 seconds after the screen had faded to normal, i had already been hit and killed by a passing vehicle :P

Another funny experience I had, was when I went to the helitour with an annihalator. I hovered above one of the choppers until it was full and waited for it to ascend. It flew right into me and eventually crash-landed into the water. I also found out that if you shoot a chopper until its burning, the people will start jumping out, no matter what height theyre at... so thats what i do to have fun in GTA IV nowadays (watch people die with my helicopter skills :D)