Trailer looked pretty **** lousy voice work in the trailer and doesnt look that interesting, hate Treyarch. Hate that they are leaving modern warefare settings for this. nothing in the trailer looked cool. wow climb a tree to hide. :(
Treyarch sucks as a developer
check out there games they did, all suck to average quality.
Not going to even bother buying COD5. COD3's single player sucked and the mulitplayer sucked and shouldnt have vehicles. Which COD5 is going to have :(
Treyarch BLOWS
Can't you people stop whining for 1 lousy second!! Infinity Ward may be a bit better at the genre but that doesn't mean that all of a sudden all games from Treyarch suck... I liked CoD3 and it wasn't that incredibely bad. Also I loved this trailer and it looked spectaculair, a good story and very original. The setting of Iwo Jima hasn't been done that many times before so I think it will actually be fun to play a game in the Japanese setting. btw, they don't climb in trees to hide you nitwit, those are japanese sniper who have attached themselves with a rope to the top of a tree for better vision... Everytime I read a post such as this one i just think all people hate Treyarch because one guy started saying so and now everyone follows that group... not much people judge Treyarch without already having their opinion ready to use.
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