... What the hell are you guys talking about? the demo was a lot of fun and it actually made this game one of the must-haves for 2009 or whatever the release date is. The fighting was awesome and the finishing moves looked spectacular. The camera was incredible and it made you feel like you were bourne himself, reliving the movie. The first level had me sitting on the tip of my chair with a pounding heart :P the second started nice and it got even better in the plane. It just was a great demo except for the driving but that's forgiven since the first 2 levels were a blast!
RubenNL's forum posts
GTA4 as the game just hit a wall at the end of the story and there was no fun to be had after thatyetiboy15
I don't get you: haven't you seen the option multiplayer at all?? its quite fun... and what about the collecting stuff and other achievements you can do, if you haven't already done that.
wow...this is why i hate points....you ever played a game because you liked it?GodSon360
this has absolutely nothing to do with it. At least that goes for me... i play games because I like 'em and i only buy games when i'm interested in them. not because of achievement points. It's just a great addition to games and it gives you ANOTHER reason to play a game longer and it's not the ONLY reason to play the game.
i'm pretty proud on my 1000 points on CoD 4. it took me a little bit less than an hour to complete mile high club on veteran. also using youtube a bit for any hints :P
i also have 1000 points on oblivion, 995 on halo 3 because i cant seem to find a ranked match with swords and thats it.
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