The strike won't make any difference, They will just wait till the workers eventually quit or fire them for some reason and then import more migrants, Free movement of workers all over Europe is destroying the wages for jobs like these, most lower paid jobs have had a 20% pay decrease since Europe opened its borders so people could go where they wanted.
I don't agree with Trump on many things but reducing migrant workers entering a country is the right move, It doesn't just keep jobs for the local people it also keeps wages higher in those jobs, because they need to attract people to take them, not just send out for another migrant worker to fill the job.
Where I am migrant workers have pushed the local workforce out, by taking lower wages and working more hours, Now those same workers who acted like slaves are bitching they are being treated like it, well I could add some rude comment about them but I wont.
They just had to add that bit of bait at the end of the title, Forums are full of rabid fanboys hating on each other, just watching kinda shows that crossplay between Xbox and PS4 might be a very bad idea.
Doubt it will make any difference this gen but might improve things early next gen, though ninja theory will likely regret it, Microsoft's habit of forcing multI player into everything has backfired quite a few times, turning what could have been amazing games into very average ones, and being closed down after a failed game will leave the game industry with one less AA developer.
Just hope they bring the comic to life in full, Spawn dealing with scum like Billy Kincaid and running into Angela in all her glory, The world might have gone Politically correct mad but the spawn movie should stick its fingers up at all that crap.
@Salt_AU: Worried its just gonna be another F2P mobile game rather than a serious Fallout title, Fallout shelter made them quite alot of money with little effort, So its possibly Fallout shelter 2.
Runeweaver's comments