Almost unreal, I want to make a personal apology to Nintendo by laughing at the Wii U, you are going to kick Microsofts ass sooo easily. Congrats. Nintendo doesn't deserve the victory, but they are certainly go to get it.
I know nothing of the battle. I am just curious as to why they chose not to show one with thousands of men. Pick any historical battle, surely some of them did.
Adjust your sales expectations. Dark souls devs went nuts with pride when it sold 2 mil. Major devs cry like babies if they don't hit 6 mil. DLC is not something that turns me on, either. Nine times out of ten, it feels like it should have been part of the game to beging with. Like EVERY COD ever made.
believe it or not, as much as I love Sonic, I don't buy sega games anymore. They put him on a spit and roasted him over a fire. This is not about a bad game. I doubt people would care as much if it were as simple as that. The game he told us we were getting was different than the one he released. That is a bold face lie. People can take shitty games, they won't tolerate a lie. My reference to GB wasn't regarding bad games, but rather business practise.
Sonic may have had crap games, but SEGA never said we were making a good one.
I never understood the idea that guns are never the enemy but people are. Alot of people in that room would be alive today had that 20yr old kid used a knife, or ANYTHING other than a firearm. Guns serve one purpose, to take down what is in front of them. At least a knife can be used as something else. I owned a gun, but no longer.
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