Here's to hoping scalable player counts on PC. Beta just felt like I was shooting a ton of stupid NPCs and an actual human player here and there. Got boring quite fast.
@anvilone @ramyland no it doesn't lol I'm looking at you, smart pistol. This is just another mindless shooter. I'm buying it, but I won't be putting BF4 down any time soon.
I assume Activision payed Gamespot off to give this game a good review. I bought it off a friend for the PS4. The game is by the WORST entry in the CoD series. The multiplayer is horrendous filled with horrible graphics (MY GOD the textures are worse than last gen consoles) , the MP mechanics have been screwed around with for the worst (auto aim is so pronounced that you barely even have to aim half of the time) Maps are bigger which is good, but the actual design and tactics to them are horrible.
This game is just horrible. I can't even play it for 10 minites without wanting to eject the disc and taking a dump on it.
LOOK AT THOSE TEXTURES!!! Sledgehammer should just call it quits. This game's MP is an atrocity.
On the other hand, extiction is actually fun and much better looking although I got bored quickly. (Just one map...)
The single player is ok.. Story was very cliche-ish and the characters we're so dull and uninspired that by the end of the game I didn't give a shit what side won. I was just chugging through it just to get it over with.
@jwsoul Should atleast be able to use an xbox 360 controller since most games on Steam support it. I think the Steam controller is geared more torwards games that a conventional controller like the xbox 360 controller can't handle. Like RTSs and whatnot.
I will enjoy the tears of you PC haters when GTA V releases on PC and we get to play and sort through the myriad of user created content and mods that consoles will never have. Mwahahahahahaha :D
@lightingbeal Because it's not broken.. you people should really use the dictionary more often. The game has bugs and other minor issues, but broken, as in it doesn't work at all, it is not.
Rushaoz's comments