@skelley221 Are you fucking Hellen Keller?? I've been playing Battlefield since BF1942 and Desert Combat mod and I must say you're either trolling or you played BF4 on a shitty current gen console.. BF4 is better than BF3 in every conceivable manner.
@ACWH Premium is worth it. The DLC isn't like CoD's where you just get 4 crappy half assed maps. They're more like expansion packs. Not only do you get 4 expansive and well designed maps but you get new guns, game modes, vehicles, assignments achievements. Worth the $10 per DLC price for Premium. If not they're $15 and they we're still worth it to me.
@blackciti Then you know nothing of Battlefield. Up until 3-5 years ago every Battlefield was a pure MP experience. Believe it or not it's BEST that way. Hardcore BF fans like myself would rather not have a campaign at all. Use those resources to make the MP even more awesome because that's truly where the meat and potatoes is.
And IF DICE is going to make a campaign they really need to bring back Bad Company and use that as SP material cuz those campaigns we're actually pretty awesome.
@psmithiv I'm astounded at your grammar skills. Do you like, have 2 or 3 fingers fused together? Or maybe you we're just rage pounding at the keyboard. Settle down little buddy. That's just the onset of an epileptic seizure you're getting from that low res, pixel-fest console on that huge shitty Samsung TV.
@psmithiv Doesn't matter. Inaka is correct. Unless you have a GAMING PC to actually pump out 120 or 240 FPS you will always have that ridiculous soap opera effect because YOUR SHIT CONSOLE IS ONLY CAPABLE OF OUTPUTTING IN 60hz.
You stupid ****. You should have spent the money you used on that shitty Samsung TV on an education.
Rushaoz's comments