Let me know when you find it.Jaysonguy
Found a chunk of it. Still can't find the entire thread but here's part of it, I did this back in like Jan or Feb
The Wii cannot use the same shader that the XBOX uses, the Wii needs another way to go about making the same bump mapping.
Wii has programming called TEV, right now developers are just starting to use that to beef up the graphics and other aspects of the games. The better a developer understands how to program for this language on the Wii the better the games will be.
Shading and blending are the same thing, each one does the same things in games. The TEV is a sophisticated blender. It has math dedicated to z and pixel operations. Each TEV has one multiplier and one adder, and can take four pixels/texels as input, and recirculate the results to the same inputs after the blend operation. This way you could perform up to 12 blends on the same texel or pixel without writing to the framebuffer. It isn't a pixel shader (which can run small programs and has more math hardware) It is a very space and cost efficient way to perform multipass rendering.
This means that the Wii is more then powerful enough to pull off better graphics then the XBOX once the devs take a firm grasp of the TEV programming.
Now here comes the part where the Wii has the advantage over anything with a shader. TEV isn't a set program like the shader for the XBOX, with that shader it was the same result every single time. There's not a high power shader and a weak one, they only had one quality of shader to pick from. TEV blending on the other hand can be made better and better the more you work on it, if a dev is willing to take the time it can make the Wii blow anything last gen right out of the water.
You're going to see the Wii take GIANT jumps each quarter because devs are going to have a better handle making better and better blends.
This isn't a question of power. The Wii uses much better (and less resource hogging) code to get the job done. Because of this it's able to pull of far greater results in graphics and gameplay over anything last gen.
The GameCube also used TEV. It's nothing new. As has already been well-established, the Wii is a GC clocked at higher speeds with more RAM.
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