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Summer beach trip # 3

Joe, Matt and I went to cocoa beach today. It was my first time on my new surfboard (see previous blog post)

First, the good news: the board is great. It's so much faster than my old board, and it's much easier to catch smaller waves.

Now the bad news: The board is already damaged. :cry: Matt was trying to learn to surf on my dad's old board. he came up right next to me , and a rather large wave came and flipped him over, launching the board into the air. it landed right on top of my board with one of the fins sticking right into the side. There's now a small hole in the side of my brand new $300 surfboard. Luckily, Joe had the rather brilliant idea of filling the hole with surf wax. It seems to have worked just fine. no water seems to have made it's way into the board, so I guess it's no big deal.

On the way home, Joe got a text message from Rhonda saying "say hi to Rye for me." :lol: even when she's at summer school, the long running joke about Rhonda cheating on Joe with me goes on! :P

I have a whole week off work, so we'll probably be going again soon :)

My new surfboard. (And the triumphant return of Donatello the turtle) :D

Today, I finally went out to Ron Jon surf shop at the Festival Bay mall, and bought my self a surfboard. after so many beach trips wasted struggling to paddle my dad's old, heavy, beat up board that's been around longer than I have through heavy surf, I will finally be able to get out there and get some waves! :D

this thing weighs less than the laptop that I'm typing this on! I'll probably wet my pants the first time I catch a wave on this board...luckily, they'll already be wet. :lol:


I just got back from Joe's house, and noticed that my turtle is back! :D

My dad said that he was found deep in the recesses of my sister's closet. I looked there at least three times in the past month, but I never saw him in there. I can't imagine how he survived without water for an entire month, but he did! Here's to another 15 years with my favorite pet!

Same Old Stuff's last show. (now with a VERY large amount pics and details!)

tonight is Joe's band's last performance. two of them are going away for college, and their drummer is joining the coast guard, so the band has to call it quits. :(

They're playing a free show at 9:00 tonight in the parking lot of Twisty Treat (a local ice cream shop) maybe I'll take some pics, or a video, and update this blog post later tonight.

I just got back from the show. It was amazing.

I got there around 9:00, and there was another band getting set up. I found Joe, and he informed me that two other bands were going to play before them.

Rhonda arrived a few minutes later, and we all went to get some ice cream. there were about ten police officers there :?. Joe contemplated telling the band to play the song "cop killer" , but decided against it :lol:

We went back over to where the band was playing, and saw our old friend Bryce, who I haven't seen in quite some time. I met his new girlfriend, and gave him a big hug (the manly kind) :P

Joe's parent's, and his brother Adrian arrived as the second band was starting. (these first two bands sucked...badly)

Same old Stuff's front man peaty fasanno came over to tell Joe that they were about to go on. Joe went to help set up, and me Rhonda, Adrian, Bryce, and his gf went to get a good spot in the front of the crowd.

Joe looking evil, (and confused) right before the show

The band getting ready (Drummer John Fasanno in a very nice skirt) :lol:

SoS in the midst of a pre-show pep talk...or something like that

Front man Peaty Fasanno immediately after removing his bright pink pants to reveal his leopard print underwear

SoS starts the show off as usual with their rendition of the Rocky theme

Joe playing his trombone

Peaty after putting on his pumpkin costume

Sos playing their cover of "lost it" by the Hippos

The beginning of the pie eating contest while the band plays "the wing it"

The pie eating contest continues

as the pie eating contest continues, Joe rips off his shirt, and throws it into the dancing crowd (an idea Rhonda came up with minutes before the show started)

after the contest, the girl in the yellow shirt wanted something to clean her hands off with. I gave her Joes shirt (which was full of holes, and covered in pie, and soda) and Joe says into the mic: "that shirt better end up on Ebay!" :lol: (everyone was dancing like crazy durring this part, so I couldnt take any pics)

Peaty dons his dog costume before the band plays "Day on the lake"

Joe hands out syrup bottles...

...And explains the syrup chugging contest! :lol:

The contest begins as the band plays their cover of Less Than Jake's "Liquor Store"

Bassist Russ Carney plays atop the shoulders of a fan as the show continues

The band ended the show with a new song dedicated to the fans ...aww...:oops:

It was easily the most fun I've had in quite a while, and the best parking lot concert of all time! :lol:

ZOMG!!! blog update!!!

ok, so there's really nothing "ZOMG" about this blog post, but I'm glad you're here anyway :P

so, we're planning on going rock climbing this weekend. We used to go all the time, but I just realized that I haven't been to this place since my 16th birthday. I'm kinda surprised that I found a pic of the place on the interwebz:

in other news, I finally found a girl I like! :o

she's one of my fellow lifeguards. She just graduated from Olympia high school (where I wen't to school.) making her one year younger than me. We're just friends right now, but I hope to change that some time soon...I'm in over my head here...:?

My turtle is still missing :cry:. I'm starting to fear the worst, though he can go for months without food, and if he was dead, the house would be starting to smell pretty bad by now. unless he got out of the house some how, he must still be alive...

Gaming time. I rented Crackdown through gamefly, and I tried out the Halo 3 beta. It feels really outdated. maybe I'm just too used to my shooters having cover systems like Gears of War, and Rainbow Six: Vegas, but Halo 3 just seems very "last gen" to me.

ok, that's all I've got for now. see you guys, and gals on the forums :wink:

The sequel to last nights blog post

Me, Joe, Adrian, and Rhonda had a great time at cocoa beach today, despite the overcast weather, and not so great waves (one of them took me under for about half a minute, and apparently launched my board ten feet into the air! :lol: ) I still didn't get that new surfboard, but I did get a spiffy new hat:

Nothing outrageous happened like last time, (probably because neither Adam, or Matt were there :P ) but we still had a great day.

when we got back to Joe, and Adrian's house, the toilet overflowed, and flooded half of the house. after we managed to clean that up, we decided to show Rhonda Gears of War...she actually liked it :lol: (I need to find a girlfriend like her :P )

Unfortunately, there's still no sign of my turtle. Tomorrow, we're doing a thorough search of my sister's room. if we don't find him there, I don't know where else to look. :?

Seven days straight

I just got home from my seventh night shift in a row...it's a part time job! :evil:. at least the work is fairly easy, my paycheck will be HUGE and the people are all pretty cool. even the managers.

on my way home I got a text message from Joe saying that we're going to the beach tomorrow at 8:00. I might finally buy that new surfboard while we're there.

now for some sad news. Donatello (my pet turtle that I've had since my fifth birthday) is missing :(. we let him out to run around the house about a week ago, and we can't find him anywhere. I hope he's all right...

Some Updates

First, the bad news. I won't have any time off work until next Friday. that's seven 3:00-10:30 shifts in a row...and this is supposed to be a part time job! :cry:

now, the good news. the Warhawk beta is awesome...that's all I can say. if I go into any detail about the game, they'll probably remove me from the beta :? 

My sister was on her friend's jet ski yesterday with two other girls, and they hit a wake from a boat, which sent them flying ten feet into the air, and about a hundred yards from the jet ski, and when she got back on dry land, she found a dog eating her cellphone! there are teeth marks going straight through the phone! :lol:

Joe, and Adrian painted their room, got a sweet bunk bed with a big couch on the bottom, and now their gaming setup is almost as hawt as mine...almost :wink:

ok, I guess it's time to get ready to go to work. se ya later friends :) 

I got selected for teh beta!!!11!11

I turned on my PS3 today, and decided to check the PS store to see if there are any new goodies to download, and to my surprise, I see the Warhawk beta! I can't believe I got selected!

It's downloading now. I can't wait to play it! stay tuned for my review later today...or maybe tomorrow. I have to work from 3:00-10:30 tonight :cry:

Summer beach trip #1

Me, Joe, his friend Adam, and his girlfriend Rhonda hopped into Joe's van, and headed out to the usual spot at Cocoa beach (across from Patrick Airforce base) today. We got a very early start (7:00 AM :cry: ) because we thought Adam had to be at work by 4:00, and we wanted to spend as much time there as possible (when we got to the beach, his boss called and said they didn't need him to come in today. :| )

The hour long ride took a bit longer than usual, because Joe wasn't paying attention, and got off of the highway at the wrong place, and we couldn't figure out how to get back on. (damn Florida highways :evil: ) I learned Adam's catch phrase: "Don't worry about______...you just worry about________" (it's pretty funny when he says it several times during the day :P )

We stopped at Dunkin' Donuts to grab some food, and Joe almost got into a fight with a big biker dude who was staring at Rhonda :lol:

When we finally got there, we walked out to shore, and saw that no one was in the water, and the waves were  extremely choppy. we ignored the rip current warnings, grabbed our boards (I still don't have a new one, but I will in the next few days :wink: ) and hit the surf. We made it out to the breakers, and got slaughtered by the choppieness. We were pushed all the way back to shore several times...Joe even somehow managed to lose half of his toenail in the process! :? as the nail was hanging off by a tiny bit of skin, Adam said "Don't worry about the pain...you just worry about pulling it off!" he pulled it off, and there was blood everywhere :cry:

After a few hours of trying to get out past the breakers, we gave up, and decided to hang out in the shallow water. Joe stepped on a small shell, and got it stuck in his foot (the same foot with the missing toe nail :cry: ) 

We went to get lunch at Long John Silver's/Taco Bell. (both in one building! :o ) when Joe limped over to the counter to order his food, the lady asked him why he was walking like that. he explained the situation with the shell, and said that a free taco would make it feel better. the lady asked if he was really hurt, or if he was just trying to get free food, so Joe did what any man would do, he pulled his shoe off in the middle of the restaurant, and showed her his bloody, toenail-less foot! :lol: (he didn't get a free taco though. :( )

While we were eating, Adam accidentally knocked over a glass bottle, shattering it on the floor. when the lady comes over to clean it up, Adam said "don't worry about who did it...you just worry about cleaning it up!" I was like: :o...:lol:

when we got back to the beach, we tried to surf again, and failed :( we just chilled on the beach for a few hours. Adam "impressed" a group of rather hawt girls by throwing a dead bird at Joe. :lol:

on the way home, we passed by at least ten police cars, all of which were pulling people over :?

Despite foot injuries, broken glass, and bad waves, it was a pretty fun day. I can't wait to get a new board, and go back next week 8) 


Yet another blog post.

Today, I finally completed Disney, and Ellis and Associates lifeguard training coarse.

Apparently, E&A is the toughest lifeguard training there is, but I don't buy that. I would think bing a lifeguard at the beach would require much more difficult training.

the final test was pretty detailed. I was on a team of four lifeguards (one of which was my friend Joe) we walked out to the pool, where all of the other lifeguards in training were acting as guests. one of them started flailing around in the middle of the pool. Joe was closest, so he blew his whistle, and jumped in to save him. meanwhile, I spotted something on the bottom of the shallow end, so i jumped in to check it out. it turned out to be a training tool called a VAT (I can't remember what VAT stands for :P), which is supposed to resemble a person unconscious on the bottom of the pool.

After retrieving the VAT, I noticed that someone was face down on the surface (I thought to myself: "Sweet! we get to work on the hawt girl of the group" :lol: ), so I swam over, grabbed her around the torso, and put her onto my flotation device, then proceeded to check her airway. She wasn't breathing, so I called on my team mates to bring me a back board, and a trauma bag. I swam her over to the back board, and we raised her out of the pool. Joe then opened the trauma bag, and hooked up the oxygen tank while I opened her airway, and the other guys were getting their gloves on.

We started CPR after determining that she still wasn't breathing, and had no pulse. as I held the oxygen mask in place, and kept the airway open, Joe started chest compressions , and one of the other guys got the AED (automated external defibrillator) ready. we delivered the first shock, and continued CPR until her heart started beating, and she began breathing again. We passed the test easily. 8)