Oh god.... Gamespot. AKA the storage of just how immature I was back in 2006-2010. Did it really take me THAT long to learn how to Engrish? Much fail. Such bad. Very suck.
S0mEGuY12 Blog
by S0mEGuY12 on Comments
If you don't wanna read my lame blogpost, here's a better summary: http://4playerpodcast.com/wiki/4Player_Podcast
I've only been watching these guys for about a year now, but that's more than enough to know that 4PP is awesome. They're simply great, and from this blog post, I am spreading the word. Based out of Austin, Texas, 4PP started around 2008, as a simple kind of project, but today they're huge, comparable to GiantBomb, Gamespot, etc, and perhaps better. They won Gaming podcast of the year two years in a row thus far, and I imagine they wish to win a 3rd time. 4PP consists of four people (hence their name) Brad Simons, David Liao, Nick Henderson, and Travis Granger, along with many well known "submembers" such as the very humorous Carlos Ottino, the smart Nolan Hedstrom (In a way, Nolan has "replaced" Travis, as Travis has been busy with life, but will broadcast on occasion.), and the recent Jack, who hails from the UK.
I discovered these guys via their Youtube channel, whom mind you has 80k subscribers, but now I watch them every night on justin.tv. Every single one of these guys are game critics in their own right, and are very funny. Every member of 4PP, including the submembers have different tastes in games as well, for example.. Brad Simons. As a very big critic on games, Brad Simons currently sees the current generation of gaming as "too focused on multiplayer", or FPS (in America), causing great gaming experiences like Vanquish, Enslaved, and Valkyria Chronicles to be left out. He even sees some of the highly rated games as "butt" such as Black Ops.
Yeah, crappy way of me explaining who these guys are. Click the link above for a better summary. Whoever reads this, I urge you to at least check these guys out on their youtube channel with the same name. They will broadcast as early (from my experience) as 3PM, to as late as 11PM (They're two hours ahead from where I live, so 1PM and 9PM in my case.)
So.. What's up people?
by S0mEGuY12 on Comments
It's 4 in the damn morning. Don't ask why im still up. Now for all who bothered to read this, and knew me from the past, you probably know that its been quite some time since I made a blog post. I found posting blogs pointless over the course of time, and I now use this crappily named account simply to post in forums. As for the site itself, I use it as a reference. Still though, this website has many memories for me. Mainly memories of me being extremely unintelligent, and knowing almost nothing of the fundamentals of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Proof is shown on past blog posts, and past reviews. It's..pretty embarassing. All in the past now though. I am now much more smarter than I originally was back in my join date of 2006. I was 13. I am now 18. Time flies eh?
GO SAINTSSSS!!!!*caps*
by S0mEGuY12 on Comments
CoD MW2 limited edition 360....im pissed.
by S0mEGuY12 on Comments
WTF?! 250G HD? INCLUDES GAME? TWO CONTROLLERS? WTF MAN....This crap is 400 bucks, and let me tell you something. When I bought my limited edition Halo 3 360, I got one controller (had to buy the other one), a few gamerpictures i dont use, and a crappy theme. The 360 is just green (It looks kinda cool, but the MW2 one looks cooler), and it didnt even INCLUDE Halo 3, i had to buy it separately. Wth man.....They come out with a deal like this NOW? I paid for the same price, probably more, and wasn't even given HALF, even LESS than what this HD gives. 20G HD. This one is 250. Now i feel ripped off lol. This 20G hard drive isn't going to last, I know it. I have like 8G left, and with even a 120G hard drive, you're not going to run low on memory for a longgggg time. The only thing that I find good about my 360 now, is that I have had it for almost what two years now? And it has not gotten the RROD even once, and im not even sure if it has the jasper gpu. Well I hope any of you who read this enjoyed my rant. Im pissed. I think il go play my Soul silver nao...
Ehhhhh -.- School tommorow.
by S0mEGuY12 on Comments
Hey guys. Its been awhile. Its most likely most of you won't read this, but school yet again starts tommorow for me. I am seriously not looking forward to it....Junior year is considered to be the most difficult, and depending on how you do, reflects in how difficult or easy Senior year will be. Also, I don't look forward to it because...well...Its school. Who the hell wants to go to school? Summer was fun, and boring at the same time, but far too short.....This year is going to be killer, I just know it...
Couldnt watch the microsoft press conference...
by S0mEGuY12 on Comments
Hey its been awhile. I know not many people are going to read this but wth? I couldnt watch the Microsoft Press Conference....I read the article on it..I MISSED SO MUCH!! GAMEPLAY ON BOTH COD MW2 AND HALO ODST? DAMNNN!!!! >.>. Guess how i missed it. SCHOOL. Yes school. I know i can watch it later, but it feels so much better live! I could have watched it on my TV, but i had school, and i cant skip cuz i got finals this week. Why did they have to make it early in the morning...? Afternoon could have been better....Or at least E3 could have been AFTER school ends -.-. Ahhh damnit...i missed so much....I watched last years (I have the emblem) But thats because school was already out.
Lots of good games coming out this month....
by S0mEGuY12 on Comments
Jesus....So many titles being released this February.....Just to name a few, F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin, Dawn of War II, Street Fighter IV....I think there are some other major releases too....forgot them lol....But man, I wish i could afford it all. Though Resident Evil 5 does come out almost halfway through march which is AFTER february so meh. I reserved both F.E.A.R 2 and Resident Evil 5 today. I prolly wont be playing F.E.A.R 2 a lot, since im a coward lmfao.....il prolly mostly play it when my friends are around. I barely have enough money to buy F.E.A.R 2....but afterwards, my mother is going to open a savings account for me, and she says I start out with 100 dollars, guess il use that and save the rest.
I WOULD buy Dawn of War II....If i had at least a decent rig. This computer is half a decade old....It was awesome back in the day when i got it....Could play Warcraft III on maximum settings, which i think was considered godly back then. But I cant....Advanced computers cost too much.......But il play it someday. Any of you guys getting the big releases this month? Forgot to mention Killzone 2....I would get it if i had enough money, and if i even had a PS3. Oh well.
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