S0mEGuY12 / Member

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S0mEGuY12 Blog

Fanboyism is Ridiculous,and Refresher on my reviews.

Online i am always bashed for standing up for a game. Like DMC 4 or Halo 3. When i say Halo 3 is good or w/e YOUR DUMB TO DO THAT IN DMC4 or something like that,People are like Get a life fanboy and play something else. Huh. im no fanboy. I think Halo 3 is fun,and a great game,but people have no right to call me a fanboy,cuz thats not the only game i freaking play! I play another game,DMC4 and people say im a fanboy at that game too. Um...Yeah. This is ridiculous. i am being called a fanboy for every well known good game i play. Its really stupid! Fanboys(no offense to you fanboys out there) are obsessed with ONE thing. I play many types of games like Halo 3,DMC 4,Fire Emblem,Maplestory,Starcraft,Warcraft III,REALLY. This is just stupid and all this should just stop. Oh and once again,i have the Devil May Cry 4 review up,and my Hexic HD review up. Read them if you want,i put some precious work into them :) Edit: Beat Human,Devil Hunter,Son of Sparda,and Dante Must Die Modes. Got all S rankings in Devil Hunter Mode.

Devil May Cry 4 Review.

Well i got the review up,and guess what. ITS REALLY LONG!! i put a lot of work into it :) Read it if your actually a gamer that thinks of others opinions. Otherwise,you coming here just informed you that i finished my review. Also if you havent noticed i reviewed Hexic HD,which is shorter. Nothing else to say really. Peace.

Games games and GAMES!!!! and other stuff too!!!!

Hi guys. How are you all doing? For me,ive been doing alright. As you havent noticed,i got Devil May Cry 4(like two weeks ago) But i was too lazy to write a blog post about it. My Gold Subscription ends in like 1-3 days,so No more Halo 3 till my mom lets me use her credit card to get a one year subscription. At least i still have Silver...Well anyways,if im not too lazy later on,il write a review on Devil May Cry 4,and i gotta say..its a great game! Better than the 3rd,solid story,and AWESOME GRAPHICS...ITS AWESOME ON STANDARD DEF...and just wait till you try HD!! anyways here is my current status in life

Halo 3: Been doing bad lately...

Bleach:Currently on Ep 158

Naruto Shippuuden:Currenly on ep 45.

Gundam Seed Destiny:Ep 42

Devil May Cry 4:Beat it on Human,and Devil Hunter Mode. Currently on Mission 12 in Son of Sparda Mode. Currently attempting to get all S ranks in human mode. Highest Bloody Palace Stage:28(I am NEVER EVER going to get like the achievements for 5th,6th-9th circles...Because i find it impossible to even get past stage 30.

Final Grades of the semister(this was awhile back): Math=F,P.E=C,Drivers Ed=C,English=B,Science=B,Art=F

Truth be told im in Pre-Algebra. I AM TERRIBLE AT MATH,and I HATE MY MATH TEACHER!!! People who are supposed to be A students in my class(but get C's) complained they deserved a higher grade. Its the way the teacher teaches. He is Mexican,and i can tell he immigrated here or something(im not Racist,and i hate Racism...This teacher just has problems). Everyone,even the advanced class of his complains about his style of teaching. Also,i got an F in Art because i dont like art,im not artistic,and i didnt even choose art! I DIDNT EVEN GET TO PICK!!!I also have about 51 dollars with me...Unlike you other chinese people out there,i dont get a lot of money in Chinese new year. All my friends get at LEAST like 80 bucks,and usually over 100. i only got a total of about...Maybe 140 dollars. I plan on getting Call of Duty 4 once i can get the remaining dough.

Currently listening to:Linkin Park,Rise Against,Three Days Grace.

Thats all for now ppl. PEACE.

NOOOOO!!!!!! PATRIOTS LOST!!!!! no....


SUPER BOWL XLII (going to update this blog and give it as much info as i can)

OH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIS IS GONNA BE SWEET!!!! JUST A FEW MORE MINUTES!!!!! Edit:WOW THE PATRIOTS ALREADY HAVE TWO INJURED PLAYERS!!!!Update:Currently 3-0. Im surprised the Giants are winning.This is just the beginning though! Update: 3rd Quarter still 7-3 Update:4th Quarter still 7-3 The Patroits got this! UPDATE:WHOA TOUCHDOWN!!!!!! 10-7!!!! I CANT BELIEVE THIS!! THE PATRIOTS BETTER STEP UP THEIR GAME!!! UPDATE:YEAH!!! TOUCHDOWN!!!!! THE PATRIOTS CAN DO THIS!!!! IF THEY CAN SURVIVE THESE TWO MINUTES THEY WIN!!!14-10!! WOW ANOTHER 4 POINT LOSS FOR THE GIANTS!!!

How are you all doing?

Im doing alright. I finally got my gamertag up lol i found out the problem...in the URL i was supposed to paste,it said Put your gamertag here too. i DID that in the past,but didnt remove that last period. i thought i was supposed to leave it. Well i got it now.....Add me if you want so we can play in Halo 3.I still have yet to get all the achievements...the last ones im supposed to get are remotely difficult,especially Overkill,Killing Frenzy,Two for One,and im not sure about Lee R Wilson memorial(i can simply purposely not win,and get close to the enemy and stick them,just been too lazy or i tried it and only got to 4 sticks.) and the Maybe next time buddy one....doesent seem hard. I am also getting Devil May Cry 4 a day after its release date because one the day it comes out,i cant get it because its a school day(Tuesday) and my mom cant buy it for me because shes working and such. I could buy it myself,but where i live....You need a parent or guardian with you in order to purchase M rated games. This was a rule passed by Arnold Schwarzenegger....I think he just wants parents to love him for trying to control violence >.>. But i have the advantage,for the day after its release date,its Wednesday,and i get off 12:40 on wednesdays. My older sister is going to bring me to Best Buy(JUST RIGHT NEXT TO MY SCHOOL)but i may reconsider that. I hear you get extra stuff if you buy things on its release date,but i dont think Best Buy does that...When i bought Supreme Commander,the Gamestop employee gave me extra stuff exclusively for people who preordered it when i didnt even preorder the game...So since my older sister has no work on Wednesday,she can easily just bring me to a gamestop and buy Devil May Cry 4 for me. Shes 19 years old,and that qualifies right? 18 is legal adult =/. Also my grades came in...and i cannot believe it....I thought i failed or barely passed Drivers Ed....but..I GOT A C!!! I WAS AMAZED BY THAT!! I asked my mean teacher(SHES REALLY MEAN) why and she said,i got only a D on my final,turn in only SOME work,but i have high participation...Wow...i got an F in Math....Not really surprised,F in art...im not artistic,nor do i like Art....a C in P.E...(um...First report card period i got a C..Second period,Third period,C,Final,C and FINAL GRADE:C lmfao...Also all my citizenship grades were S in P.E(Satisfactory) so i got a Counterstrike! lol...i got like...a D- in the final for science,but i turn in a ton of work,and high participation so i still got a B =P Not sure about english,didnt get the grade for it yet....

Wow i typed a lot....Once again sorry guys that i havent been commenting back on your profiles a lot,Since high school started i have a tight schedule for Fun,Studying,and HW....and commenting on profiles is time consuming(dont get the wrong idea,im not lazy) So please bear with it....Im out guys. Peace!

Devil May Cry 4 Demo,Advance Wars:Days of Ruin,Xbox Live,and other stuff...

Hey guys! Im posting this like 5 minutes before i gtg leave my house and go to school :P well il type this as fast as i can,The DMC4 Demo came out yesterday,and as i expected,its awesome. Few of my friends say its cool but not a lot to offer as a demo. i mean..its a demo aint it? For a demo,its AWESOME!!!! you have a grasp of some of Nero's abilities...But i still have problems working the Red Queen's pierce trigger lol...when it glows red...i know how to charge it,i just dont know how to activate it during battles because when i randomly pressed Attack WITH the Queen Trigger thingy,Nero made an amazing red flame attack or something...Dunno how to work it lol. I also got Advance Wars:Days of Ruin. The game is ok....But they messed up all my favorite maps,turning Airports in the middle of the map into Temporary Airports! Temporary Airports do the same as Airports...Refuel,Heal....BUT CANNOT MAKE UNITS!!! I just hope that this game isnt just a cash in for the next game(if there is one) Its still cool though,much better soundtrack,better characters,story is alright....Whoops il have to edit this message and tell you more later,GOTTA RUN!!! Cya guys!

Sucessfully got Xbox Live

Well well...im not sure if i wasted my gold membership,but it says member since 1/1/08...and today is 1/19/08..but i never signed up on 1/1/08...just played the 360 around that time....But before i couldnt get xbox live to work even when connecting it to my modem...but then i hatched an idea...I connected the ethernet on my computer to the modem..disconnected...then replaced it with my Xbox 360 one...and it worked!! But i cant go on by simply inserting my 360 ethernet cable in head on...for some reason,i must connect it to the computer,then disconnect and connect modem to 360...Thats why i couldnt get Live earlier...But is the membership wasted? I got my 360 on December 22-28 around there,and got a free gold membership,but never signed up for it until 2 days ago...anyone know? Well anyways,my gamercard is ShootToKiII and in the game the two capital I's appear and look like the letter L so yeah.

Edit:Im having trouble putting my gamercard on Gamespot...can you guys help me? I even searched for my own gamercard on the website and it says the gamertag cannot be found..when im clearly logged in and such.

My School Status

Im bored so il put up my school status XD Feel free to put your own too

Grades:im a C student at best.

Popularity:Average but known well by majority of the freshman

Love Interest:Why...Yes of course XD


Reputation:I DONT HAVE ONE :)

Friends:A pretty big group actually,i hang with them everyday at lunch.

So hows it going with you guys? i know this blog was brief,but nothing has been happening lately..i got like 30 out of 49 achievements in Halo 3,but im still unable to get Xbox Live. Other then that,im still playing Maplestory and just played the Dawn of War:Soulstorm demo 2 days ago and have yet to finish Battle Two(you cant save >.>) Well thats all for now,Peaceeeee