I totaly agree with the score that Gamespot gave the Last of Us however I got to say...
WTF Tom? You seem to have some serious issues man. You're views on Joel from the very first instance of interaction with his daughter is so bizarre that It seems like you have some personal issues you need to resolve yourself. You wanted him to die? You wanted Ellie to die? You seem to be the one is emotionally broken. My god man get some help.
I'm sorry Claudius, but Jenovas is right. The 360 does have the highest attach rate, its not a secret and it is well known. The Wii sold more consoles than either Microsoft or SONY, but they most certainly did not sell as many games per console. The unfortunate truth is that SONY in fact does have the lowest attach rate. This is known to be one of the reasons SONY stopped releasing its sale numbers.
Actually, Even though it is obvious SEGA has declined, they've made some games that were severely underrated this gen. Like Alpha Protocol, Sonic Generations, Vanquish and Binary Domain (which IMO was excellent)
So very true. This gen, Every time I saw that whimsical look in Miyamoto's eye I got the impression that they had printed so much money they didn't ever have to grow up. Miyamoto is like Peter Pan.
I think your position on the matter is pretty clearly cemented in place. However it should be said that although Bungie may not be exclusive, Halo most certainly is. So I don't think any Halo fans are going to be joining you in that boat.
If we're completely rational, then yes, an argument can be made as to them "crushing" their competition just from the standpoint of revenue alone. When your profit is the inverse of your competitors losses then it can be said that something is going on there.
That's true, For instance the beginning of this generation saw XBOX 360 with far more RPG's than PS3 for years and better ones too. It was the 3rd party's that unilaterally determined this not Microsoft or SONY.
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