I think Wii will win because it's already put out some of the best games this year.
Tat vs Cap 8.5
Red Steel 2 8.5
NMH2 8.5
Monster Hunter Tri is an 8.0
Endless Ocean is an 8.0
Cave Story (which isn't reviewed on Gamespot yet) has a 90 on Metacritic. It's a port, but it's a substantially updated port as far as I know, so take that as you will.
Then we have games coming out.
Sin and Punishment 2 - We've seen nothing, but praise so far. Sure, it'll probably hit in the AAe spectrum, but that's just another quality game for Wii owners.
SMG2 - I've read many previews, and reviews of this game, and none say anything short of this game TOPS SMG. You know, SMG? The highest overall rated (and Gamespot goty 2007) exclusive this gen? They say it tops that.
Metroid Other M which you know will be amazing. Guys behind the critically acclaimed Ninja Gaiden series, but with the backing of Nintendo. Win is printed on that.
Then later this year they have Xenoblade, and The Last Story, and possible Epic Mickey, and Zelda.
If you aren't jealous of Wii owners this year then there is something truly wrong with your priorities as a gamer. There is a huge amount of games coming to the Wii.
Couldn't put it better myself. I'm not a Wii owner myself, and even I have to admit that the Wii looks to win 2010 hands down. It's just that good. Edge, (my magazine subscription) gave Super Mario Galaxy in its first review a 10/10, and that's not ordinary. No sir, especially when considering Heavy Rain only achieved a 7 at the magazine.
That aside, the Wii also has two well embedded franchises coming up, both including Metroid and Zelda. As well as that, there's still Sin and Punishment 2 which is yet to be released, not to mention the slew of Wii games that have already been released this year - Monster Hunter Tri, No More Heroes 2, Red Steel 2, Tatsnuko vs. Capcom.
I'm sure I've said everything the above poster has said but I just wanted to reiterate to you ihsanqueen that the Wii is just as every bit good as the 360 and PS3 this year if not more, so please don't be ignorant, and exclude the Wii from these "wars."
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