I personally disagree with Nirvana, slipknot and tool not being good. But the people i cannot stand at all is "THE TING TINGS"!! they are not a band in my mind.
Rocket launcher with infinite ammo is the best way. You unlock that by finishingthe game inthe easiest mode in under5 hours. Pretty easy. It kills most of the bosses inone shot :)
Wasnt the scariest moment but was very fun, in bioshock when your in a spotlight and you can only see five feet infront of you, and splicers come in all directions. I believe that its the first time you get the shotgun.
Theirs loads of good games im looking foward to, UFC Undisputed 2009 + Lost planet 2 + Bioshock 2 + Assassins creed 2 + CoD MW2 + Operation flash point 2 and a few more i have forgottan :)
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