whoops almost forgot this one...
SHuN_G0Ku's forum posts
[QUOTE="delta3074"]lots of sony fanboys bashing the 360 for just being a 'shooter' console, strange considering the two games they are hyping to be the best (mgs4 and kz2) are both shootersrockguy92
Metal Gear is a shooter?
what're you talkin' about MGS4 is an adventure game..... (no i'm serious.. :P)
anyways, i think the article is referring to the hardware sales not software.
i lol'd at lemms getting defensive and posting software sales etc..
it's funny when they talk about a console not having games (PS3) when it still got outsold by it and now look how they're acting...
I just like how Yoji Shinkawa did this one...
and of course...
from Destructoid...
"Analyst Nick Parker has shot a warning at the Xbox 360, stating that declining European sales could lead to a delisting in some territories. He was speaking at the 2008 Nordic Games Conference when he spoke of the potential trouble.
"The trouble with Xbox 360 is it hasn't managed to shake off this urban, irreverent adult male feel; so it hasn't gained traction in the more casual gaming markets of mainland Europe such as France, Spain and Italy, where it's stalled," Parker stated. "And there are already rumours of Xbox 360 being delisted from certain retailers."
Parker later explained to Spong that "There were rumours a couple of months ago from people who know that region - Spain and Portugal - that some retailers were looking at de-listing. If you had to create space for those things that were going to make profit, Xbox 360 could be a candidate. It's what you'd expect in any markets where products are slow moving. Independent sales data is indicating that sales in certain regions are proving to be a challenge."
Is the Xbox 360's marketing inherently a problem? Is it really so wrong to find a stable demographic and market to it? With Nintendo capturing the hearts of mainstream audiences and likely keeping them for a while, surely it's actually a good idea to stick with the market you know and put out the games they want to play. Just because Nintendo had massive success with the Wii, it doesn't mean other companies will have the same success if they copy it, or need to do so in order to survive. it's not like the young males are a dying breed. There will always be a market for so-called "hardcore" games. When Grand Theft Auto games are unable to sell, that's when I'll worry."
Europe's being a little harsh on the 360 lately..
after that GS blog that editors posted, i'd say 7.0 - 8.0 :|
MGS might be following its tactical steps onto the PS3 and PSP, via an Xbox Live Arcade infiltration. This is not too surprising, since the series has made its way onto non-Playstation consoles a number of times, and Microsoft even published MGS for the PC release.
I expect you're asking how we know, or who our source is. Lets just say a reliable individual tapped into our codec frequency after spying the game on a certain pre-release network. We shall say no more - nudge nudge, wink wink - except this; there are problems in bringing Kojima's masterpiece to this new playing field.
Naturally, rumours can turn out to be false, so we'll bring you more information as it becomes available.http://www.ripten.com/2008/06/09/rumour-metal-gear-solid-coming-to-xbla/
It begins...
Welcome to "10 years ago"... :roll:
Another great score for MGS4.
July Game Informer review scores
MGS 4 - 10, 9.75
niiiice..... I just got their latest magazine with Fenix on the front cover..
you guys realized that THIS IS a spoiler right..?
[spoiler] this is the part where after Snake killed Sniper Wolf and asks for a disc swap back in MGS1, which IS in MGS4! ..and i'm sure you've seen the trailer where Snake thought he was having a nightmare about Shadow Moses [/spoiler]
hint: replay MGS1 and go to the part right before the game asks you to swap discs.
now look at the background of that video.....
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