dont forget to subtract 33% to the total income
SHuN_G0Ku's forum posts
this is what i hate about most of these types of threads - a person asked which console he should get then everybody just went
"360 outsold the PS3"
"No it didn't, you're BSing yourself"
"World Domination"
gahdang..!!... just simply post their specs and their freakin' varieties and just pick the console which best suits your taste.
dont come to system wars forums asking for advice cuz all you're gonna get is "more friends" like you described on your post TC.
if you wanna have a better look on the insights, try or or anyother gaming web besides SW
80010514 = "man i need to install the new firmware update"
LOL u can't do all that in 5 mins.They are acting like 5 mins is long.LOL5 mins is noting in reality, but in SW they make it sounds like a hour.jujutheking
getting your 360 back from repairs is a lot longer than an hour of install
[QUOTE="tman93"]Who cares... the people who have played the whole game (IGN, ect.) have said its one of the most visually impressive games out there.......AgentA-Mi6
Ps3 haters didn't read IGN's preview :). They were too busy looking for false rumors to bash the game, it's not like they will ever play the game :wink: :lol:
Anyway , IGN's preview pissed them all off a lot because the hype grew more.
This Guy Tekkenmaster is well known here for example, he bashes the Ps3 everytime he cans with anything he is able to find and we all know the most famous Ps3 owner of all time, reversecycology who "preordered mgs4" ask him what Ps3 he has or what is his Psn Id .:roll: and you wont get an answer, Why would he be an owner of what he calls POS3? huh?
Ignore this people it's not like they can inflict damage to the image of the greatest most anticipated title of this gen so far :wink: Keep the Hype going along with true fans like Fuzzy.
:lol: epic lulz :lol: i understand perfectly, like this..
[QUOTE="Slashkice"][QUOTE="ReverseCycology"]The Konami servers are down right now, I'm not sure when it'll be back up, maybe tomorrow?
...what are you talking about? The site's up.
It was down for a bit.
the portal konami site is up
reversecyco here even gave the wrong link to the portal instead went through google to find the status and found kotaku :lol:
lol, probably a digital box same size like a cellphone that can be folded out..
the box is an actual camoflouge and most people cant actually see them.
also the magazine trap is kinda broken; if you happen to pass by it you automatically fall for it and stuns you (even worse than the stun or flash grenade in COD4)
i got mine... FINALLY!!!....for the past freakin' 5 days..
this game is gonna be loaded even just from the beta itself
i wonder how many people are going to be online once the actual game is out... :shock:
btw the error will keep on showing cuz the beta wont even start until tomorrow so hold your horses..
honestly, do people even care about damage anymore?
wihch one would you prefer for a game:
a car running at 150 mph hitting the wall with only a dent or nothing at all..??
the reason i asked is cuz a car running even only at 40-50 mph can pretty much blow up into pieces
btw, Polyphony mentioned before that there's going to a be a car damage patch for GT5P soon and it will be a realistic damage.. so i'm guessing Destruction Derby like?
:lol: this thread already failed..
everything what TC said is basically the opposite of why Hideo Kojima created his own production "Kojima Production"
Kojima can't be bought; he makes his own decision and MGS4 exclusive for the PS3 is his own personal decision.
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