I have just word to descibe this:meh.
it was ok but not as exciting i hoped.
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Scenario 1:Added second circle pad and that's it. Reaction:no thanks ill just buy the frankenstick.
Scenario 2:add second pad,better batteryReaction:meh,i just keep my 3ds pluged n most of time plus i can buy 3rd party batteries
Scenario 3:Above plus smaller sizeReaction:Closer but again since it's gonna probally be 250 no thanks
Scenario 4:Same but 179.99Reaction:Maybe but only if i can transfer my downloads to 3ds lite or whatever it's called other wise no thanks
[QUOTE="SMASHKING84"][QUOTE="Keepitoldschool"] FF9 is horrendously underrated great story, great world, great characters [okay some great characters] although I do kinda feel it was the last great final fantasy game on consoles man a wii u final fantasy game using the old atb battle system would be so cool the sun would freeze.Keepitoldschool
Am i the only one that wishes final fantasy would go back to 100% turn based or at least make the atb thing optional?
Don't get me wrong i like the atb gauge(My favorite ff ffvi uses it) but i really would like to see one more turn based ff game.
what about lost odysseyis that turn based if so i might pick up(I love all rpgs but strategy/turn based are my favs)
regardless still want another turn based ff
[QUOTE="WiiCubeM1"]FF9 is horrendously underrated great story, great world, great characters [okay some great characters] although I do kinda feel it was the last great final fantasy game on consoles man a wii u final fantasy game using the old atb battle system would be so cool the sun would freeze.I've completely given up on FF. There hasn't been an overwhelmingly good one since 8 to me.
Am i the only one that wishes final fantasy would go back to 100% turn based or at least make the atb thing optional?
Don't get me wrong i like the atb gauge(My favorite ff ffvi uses it) but i really would like to see one more turn based ff game.
1.Tp(this shouldn't be a surprise if you're on gamespot and see my avatar mostly to me this oot 2.0 and i like that)
2.OoT(what do tp mm and oot have in common? epona i perfer my travel method not to anchor me to it)
3.MM (Mostly the 3day system and limited saving make this less enjoyable to me)
4.Alttp( i really have no major flaws in this game except oot does what it did better imo)
5.Ww(I like the graphics and the story and even combat but the sailing to me was a deal breaker)
6.Loz(again no major problems it's just alttp was better)
7.Fsa(Ranked based on single player not multiplayer as i never played this games multiplayer)
8.Ss(annoying travel method and motion controls i did love the story*)
9.Aol (Not really bothered by the difficulty i grew up in the nes era and aol is actually easier then most nes games,i just didn't like the platforming or the combat)
*ok i should stae when this game first came out it was my second favorite game but when i did my second playthrough of the game i realised my first impression was based on the initital wow factor(that is any game the first time you play any game it will likely be better on your first run then subsecquent runs as such i try not to base games on my first impression)
there are not automatic i stood there for minutes without touching the controler and my characters wouldn't attack the enemy until i used the motion controls
and again i only brought up skyward is it's a perfect example of motion controls being unrelibale
tp had an excuse it was using the non wmp wii mote but skyward promised 1:1 sword controls well it's not 1:1 unless it works 100% of the time
overly sensitive or not sesitive enough is not 1:1
and i brought up tp because even if you hate moton controls something annoying is far more barable if it's used only a little(someone scaping nails on a cahlk board for 30 minutes straight is far more annoying then if it were only 10 seconds)
and i brought up dolphin purely to point out that non motion controls would be possible in ss if nintendo had actually bothered trying.
besides last time i checked it's not illegal to own a rom if you own a legit copy of the game therefore it's only illegal to discuss it if you don't own the gae in question which i do.
if by proper you mean mainline i hope not the main line seris hasn't been good since 12(my second favorite ff)
I'd kinda rather see a spinoff like crystal chronicles(the gamecube one not the terrible sequels),tatics advance or mysytic quest(my favorit spinoff ff)
[QUOTE="SMASHKING84"]Are you sure you're talking about the same game? I haven't used motion controls at all (despite I like them a lot), nor do I see any reference to such in the manual or any tutorial. Standard attacks are automatic, as far as I understand you just control the specific arts from each character More related to motion controls surely you missed a lot of great games this generation, including Madworld, Wii Sports (/Resort), Godfather, No More Heroes (1/2), and tons others which use great motion controls. Strangely enough you think TP is the Zelda when the motion controls there are just "tacked on", compared to SS where the controls are precise and specific to the gameplay experience I understand a lot of people not liking motion controls, but is a complete separate topic from Xenoblade which doesn't require them and, in my experience, people not liking motion controls are just not skilled enough to enjoy them and/or use them proficiently (no offense intended) Regardshonestly idk what to say about this game i guess i'll say this an otherwise great game is made worse because of tacked on motion controlss...
one i tried to trigger a standard attack and i couldn't pull it off without using the motion controls as far as tp goes i own the gcn version and the wii version so the fact that i can choose weither i used motion controls is better.
Plus tp wii used the motion controls only for basic things (like aiming) skyward sword the only thing in that entire game that isn't motion controled is link walking/running to me the fact tp wii used motion controls way less then ss makes it more forgivable and again there is no motion control free version of ss(and yes people have prooved with the dolpjin emulator you can map the motion controls to the sceond analog stick)
ss like ww,ph,and st also has an annoying travel method it it's more forgivable in ww,etc over ss because the sky in skyward sword is the emptiest overworld ever in a zelda game hell if it weren't for the story and the puzzles outside of dugeons(like loz was and a few others) i would hate ss
As it stands i mildly dislike ss because of controls,travel method and the fan base giving it far more praise then it diserves(which isn't a surprise since they seem to only like zelda games with annoying gimmicks hell i guarentee if tp had even more gimmicks then it does more people would claim it's the bset zelda,while i can't stand gimmicks if i don't want to play a zelda game i'll play something else simple)
honestly idk what to say about this game i guess i'll say this an otherwise great game is made worse because of tacked on motion controls(when try to do a standard attack and not a skill instead of pressing a button you have to use the wii remote)
I'm sure this game would be alot better with the classic control but i don't own one of them.
I'm not saying it a bad game at all in fact it's better then any other wii game that uses motion controls(excluding anything that let's you use gcn pad as i do own that) Except maybe Super mario galaxy 1
The story is great the gameplay is only alittle gimmicky unlike most wii games *coughskywardswordcough* hell the voice acting is alot better then excepted when i heard it would have european english va and not english english(hell except reyn i can't really tell many character are british acted)
It's just like any wii owner(except for some reason people who think gimmicks are good*) i wanted motion control to be good but for the most part it's not
*gimmicks can be good but motion control as it stands isn't good it's either overly responive or alomst non responsive it barely ever reaches the middle ground
When i said new players nowhere in my post did i even imply that new players was kids only alot of older people might not of played a video game in there life they would use be new players.
And i really don't like people saying nintendo should stop focusing on kids if they did that you never would've played there games sure now a days kids play fpses but when i grew up parent where alot more responsible and only let kids play age apporaret games(maybe they would let 11 or 12 year old play teen games but certainly not m rated games) besides EVERY avid gamer was at one point a kid and i don't care if you played games all your lif at some point when you were younger you would play games that would be considered casual)
And i know for a fact kids these days still play casual games hell when i was a kid i played mario party 1(ok i was techically 16 but whatever) sure i played hardcore games but i would play alot of casual games as well(mario kart,mario party,animal crossing,etc)
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