How are you actually saying that? Oh right, I've a game. Awful camera. Awful controls. Awful gameplay. Awful music. But, oh! The graphics are decent, so therefore it's the best game since Maario Bros 3! Stupid question.
SMGalaxyRulez's forum posts
wait your turn cows, you had last year[QUOTE="darkspineslayer"][QUOTE="tOtalPWNaAe"]the wii greatest year has to wait this year is the year of the playstation 3:Plundy86_4
lol, if some of the expected releases come out mind, it'll be a good year for PS3... However I do hope the Wii gets some good and unexpected games. unfortunately the pure amount of shovelware is outshining the great games the Wii actually has
I know, I wouldn't be surprised if third-party developers are actually trying to cause the downfall of the Wii, with all the god-awful games they release. GRAAAAAARG! IM SO MAD!
No Mario Galaxy,no Greatest Year.
Well, like you I love Mario Galaxy, and it is arguably the greatest Mario game yet, but 2007 needed more than, addmitedly some of the best games on Wii to be Ninty's greatest year. And no, the PS3 is not going to own Nintendo this year. There hasn't been a year of the Wii since, uh, never, and this year will easily be Nintendo's year. (Im so glasd the PSP's ass is gonna get kicked by the DSi!
Actually Sigamoto actually said that the Mario and Zelda teams were working on something new that should be ready for this year, whereas Pimin 3 remains a rumour.
2009 is set to be a brilliant year for Nintendo. The Wii's name as a now-casual games producer may about to be extinguished, with tonnes of core games like Madworld, the Conduit, Mario and Luigi 3, A New Mario and Zelda, and more set to give them a hardcore label. The DSi hits the UK's shelves in early April, and it looks likely to kick the PSP's sorry ass in. MotionPlus is coming, which will give third party developers no reason to screw up with faulty motion controls. Wii Sports Resort, the sequel to the bestt selling game ever, is coming and will feature MotionPlus, which will make it bigger and better than ever. Loads of great Wii games have already been released, such as House of the Dead: Overkill and NPC: Pikmin (Rumours of Pikmin 3!). It looks like Nintendo will Final Smash Sony and Microsoft into Subspace this year, so Ninty fanboys like me will be very excited!
[QUOTE="psychobrew"]The Conduit, Monster Hunter 3 (if it hits NA), Valhalla Knights (if it comes out in 2009), CoD:MW2, and I'm still praying that Star Wars Battlefront III comes out. Other games of interest are Numen, games that work (and work well) with the balance board, Cursed Mountain, Overlord: Dark Legend, Dynamic Slash, SkyCrawlers: Innocent Aces, Red Steel 2, and perhaps even Rogue Trooper: Quartz Zone Massacre. I'm going to be poor for a while.......Nomad0404
Rogue Trooper is a direct PS2 port and look what happened with Rygar so I am very worried about that because Rogue Trooper for me is cool.
The Wii already has wonderful titles on it, but you are right, new ones are coming out almost everyday.klidron02
The Wii has been starved of good games for all of 2008 with the exception maybe of World of Goo. So it good to see what's out and coming out in 2009.
Yet, so was Okami, and look how great that turned out!
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