@gothsalvation: im actually awaring that after i see how the trend of other Blizzard game changed in price. Precisely in prediction, it might took around 2 years for a blockbuster product price to drop.
im just saying, after Donald Trump get elected, my home currency is getting worse....omg my future gaming experience is getting bleak ...
'The scores were lower than we would have liked. But there are a lot of stellar reviews. I think the most prominent reviewers really loved it and recognized that what we're doing here'.
He had implied that those reviewers who evaluate the game with lower scores are not stellar and prominent reviewer, while those reviewer are true prominent because they loved the game.
"So I think we and our competitors are seeing some anomalies in the review system, but we take them as they are and we don't argue with it."
They seems never acknowledge their mistakes and are not going to get improved,so shall we expecting any better or ground breaking ideas in the future times, nah its impractical right now to think so. They are simply stagnant in comfort zone.
@metin3191: those who willingly led by the nose like a dog is really pathetic, even they do not want a console, but they ended up buying a console just particularly for exclusive games.
SOul_FUNk's comments