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SPDShadowRanger Blog

One More for Old Time's Sake

Well, this feels weird. It's been a while. It's July of 2012 and the last blog I made was in December of 2010...19 months since my last one! I honestly never intended to make another blog, but with removing them I felt I should make one for old time's sake.

I used to love blogging about all my adventures but with all the redesigns and bugs staff forced upon us more and more people left the site and blogging felt more like a chore then a joy and so I just didn't make them anymore. The only ones I liked to make were the holiday ones because everyone was in a cheerful mood. I miss the feeling of connecting with my friends but the joy has been long gone. There are still people I talk to one a weekly basis here, but there are a lot of people I miss. And so I say...goodbye blogs!

Before I go I guess I will fill you in what has happened with my personal life in the last 19 months! In late 2010 I bought my own car! I love it and I will make my final payment on it in August. I recently reconnected with a friend from high school who I had not seen in years and missed terribly. So happy to have her back in my life. Last year I turned 21 and had an amazing birthday! 22 is coming up on July 22 (Golden Birthday!). This past May I graduated from Community College with an Associate in Arts Degree. Right now I'm debating whether I want to major in Music, Photography, or Criminology/Forensics. Decisions! I believe those are the major things that have happened lol. I live a rather simple and boring life. Laughing

And so with that I say goodbye to the blogs here. It's been a fun feeling...well was in my case. And part of me will miss what the blogs were in the site's early days. I'll still be here on the site but just not as active on the userspace area.

Happy New Year! (2011)

Wow, hard to believe that tomorrow it will be 2011. I must say that they first year of this decade (BTW this isn't the last year of the last decade it's the first year of this decade Laughing) was an ok year. Nothing really major happened other then an awesome year of Video Games! For 2011 I have plenty to look forward too: the release of Pokémon Black and White, finishing my Associates Degree at College, turning 21, and much more. Even though 2010 wasn't bad, I am super excited for what 2011 has in store for me. Right now I'm getting ready to go to my Aunt and Uncle's house for a little party. See everyone in 2011!

Merry Christmas! (2010)

Merry Christmas everyone! It almost feels weird, haven't blogged since June. Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Christmas Eve. I was with my Dad's family during the afternoon and with my mom's family in the evening, very fun day. I am tired after it all though. I also had a great time today. Most of my presents were gift cards so I'll be spending them tomorrow! I plan to buy Kirby's Epic Yarn and Donkey Kong Country Returns with them.

For Christmas, like I said, a lot of cards. I actually got a few VISA gift cards so I plan on saving those for March when the Nintendo 3DS comes out. I also got some new sweatshirts and pajama favorite kinds of clothing! I got Wii Sports Resort, Toy Story 3, and Season 1 of Glee! Some very nice presents! I'm excited to just sit and veg-out today and tomorrow will all of this! Well then, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! Hope you have a great day!

5 Years Already.......and E3!

Level: 71

Percent: 9

Forum Posts: 10,639

Submissions: 26,863

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Rockman EXE Beast, Rockman EXE Beast+, Rockman EXE Stream, Roommates, S Club 7, Sailor Moon, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! (Uncut), Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Danity Kane, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

It's that time of year again. Once again I also forgot about it. Monday was my five year anniversary here on It's only been five years, but it feel like has been part of my life for much longer. I joined about a month after I finished Junior High School and now I'm going into my third year of college. It's amazing to see what the state of the site is like now. It's really only a shadow of its former self. I wish we could go back to the beginning, or at least the first re-design. Those were nice. We didn't have screwed up upside down episode guides, not as many glitches, a good color scheme for the site all around (none of this Lights On/Off stuff), and so much more. It's sad that the staff's attempts to "make this site more user friendly" has driven everyone away. It's crazy. However, I still love this site overall, but would like to see a lot changed. Won't happen sadly.

Moving on, E3 was this week and I really only ever pay attention to Nintendo. E3 was ok this year, but last year was better. I was glad to finally see the new Nintendo 3DS, I'm excited to actually see that in person since they didn't show the actual 3D abilities. The games that I am most excited for are Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs and PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure.

Then the one I'm most excited about: Donkey Kong Country Returns! I'm a huge fan of the original Donkey Kong Country series, so seeing it on the Wii is going to be great.

I've never really played the series before, but I think I will also probably try out Kirby's Epic Yarn.

That will be all for now, hope everyone has a great Father's Day Weekend!

Is That A New Level?

Level: 71

Percent: 7

Forum Posts: 10,610

Submissions: 26,837

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Rockman EXE Beast, Rockman EXE Beast+, Rockman EXE Stream, Roommates, S Club 7, Sailor Moon, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! (Uncut), Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Danity Kane, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

Hello everyone. I really don't see the point in making this blog since hardly anyone does them and comments anymore buy why not I guess.

One occasion for this blog is to finally say that I finally made it to Level 71. I was on Level 70 for eight months! I've really been going at my guides lately. Want to do as much as I can this summer since I won't be able to do as much submitting during the school year.

With school done for the summer I've been playing my Wii a lot. Beat New Super Mario Bros Wii a couple weeks ago and now I'm playing Super Mario Galaxy 2. The game is so awesome, I love it. Currently I have 118 stars, and am in the Special World right now. Just a couple stars to go and then its time for the Green Star hunt.

Also, I plan to go on a family vacation to North Dakota next month. My cousin's class reunion is there (she grew up in Jamestown) so we are going to up their, so she will have her class reunion and then we will hang out for a few days before going home.

I think that might be all for now....not much to report with school done.

Time for Summer!

Level: 70

Percent: 76

Forum Posts: 10,568

Submissions: 26,307

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Rockman EXE Beast, Rockman EXE Beast+, Rockman EXE Stream, Roommates, S Club 7, Sailor Moon, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! (Uncut), Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Danity Kane, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

Hello, long time no blog everyone. It's already been a little over two months since the last blog. I've been super busy the last two months.

So last Thursday I wrapped up my second year of college. It was a tough semester but I'm glad to have it done. I decided not to attend summer session so I am on break until August 23rd. I ended the semester with good grades with the exception of Microeconomics. I only got a C, but in my defense it was super hard.

So not much has really happened to me in the last two months besides school and gaming news. First of all, I got New Super Mario Bros Wii last week and I love it. Currently I'm in World 4. Super Mario Galaxy 2 comes out next Sunday and I can't wait to play it. I'm dying too.

Another exciting gaming development is the announcement of Pokémon Black and White which will hit the U.S. early next year.

So with no school and only 3-4 days of work a week I'm going to enjoy my summer. I plan to spend tons of time on the Wii, but also plans to finally get some work done here.

I think that's all I got to say for have a nice week everyone!

HeartGold and SoulSilver are Finally Here!

Level: 70

Percent: 63

Forum Posts: 10,470

Submissions: 26,107

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Rockman EXE Beast, Rockman EXE Beast+, Rockman EXE Stream, Roommates, S Club 7, Sailor Moon, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! (Uncut), Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Danity Kane, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

Hello everyone. Well sadly Sunday is the final day of Spring Break. Sadly I go back to school on Monday. Spring Break was great, and sucked. The first half was great, but the second half was very uneventful and boring. However, at least it will go out ina big way.

Today is March 14, 2010, meaning that today is the day that Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver are being released! In just 8 hours I can go and pick up my games! I have been waiting for these for 10 months now, and I can't wait to let the nostalgia roll in.

Now time to go to bed and eagerly await to pick the games up. Thankfully I'm on break so I don't have to worry about homework Sunday night.

Also, I also want to share some other news. I just found out that starting this week my work (store) will no longer be closing at 9 PM on Monday-Saturday. Monday-Friday will we now close at 8 PM and on Saturday we will close at 7 PM. This is great since it means getting home earlier. More time for homework on weeknights and more free time on Saturday. Plus, everyone will still be working the same hours. We're keeping our shifts, but closing earlier. Sounds great to me!

Back from Vacation

Level: 70

Percent: 63

Forum Posts: 10,459

Submissions: 26,096

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Rockman EXE Beast, Rockman EXE Beast+, Rockman EXE Stream, Roommates, S Club 7, Sailor Moon, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! (Uncut), Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Danity Kane, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

Hello everyone. I hope everyone who is on Spring Break is enjoying their time off. Well I am back from vacation. My flight arrived around 6 PM last night, but I didn't feel like making a blog last night. I had a great vacation and I still wish I was with my family in Texas. It wasn't the longest vacation, but it was still a great few days off, and at least I still have a few days off before school starts again. I would post pictures, but most pictures have my family members or me in them, so for privacy reasons I won't be posting any. Sorry! It was fun, I got to go to an Irish Festival and the Fort Worth Zoo. The zoo was fantastic. One of the best I've been too.

Anyway, sadly today is my last day off. I have to work Friday and Saturday, but then I get two days off and next weekend off! So excited for that.

Also, only three more days until HeartGold and SoulSilver come out. I am so excited for these games, which is why I hate that they are coming out after my Texas vacation since the vacation is ten times better. Plus only a week and a half left until my concert. My amazing vacation may be over but at least there are tons of other things to do this month.

Enjoy the rest of Spring Break everyone!

Going Away for A Few Days

Hello everybody. I just wanted to say that I am leaving on vacation today. I'll be heading to the airport soon. I'm going down to Texas to visit with family over Spring Break. I will be back Wednesday evening. Have a great weekend!

It's Finally March!

Level: 70

Percent: 62

Forum Posts: 10,439

Submissions: 26,073

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Rockman EXE Beast, Rockman EXE Beast+, Rockman EXE Stream, Roommates, S Club 7, Sailor Moon, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! (Uncut), Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Danity Kane, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

Hello to all of you during this beautiful week! I am so beyond happy right now it's just crazy. It's now finally March!

I have been waiting for March for what seems like an eternity now (well 10 months to be precise). This month has three things I have been looking forward to for a while.

First off, this Saturday I am leaving for my Texas vacation and I am so freaking happy that it is finally here. Then, a few days after I get back Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver are coming out! I'm so excited for these games. I pre-ordered the games in January, but I re-did it at Target last Friday since I'm not a fan of game stores and then I canceled that Gamestop order. I love the Ho-Oh and Lugia figures.

Then, a week after HeartGold and SoulSilver is my Black Eyed Peas concert. That is going to be an amazing night.

All of that had me super happy, but what set me over the edge was this:

Nintendo revealed that Super Mario Galaxy 2 is coming out on May 23rd! I am so excited for this game. It looks amazing and way more challenging than the original. I just hope it features Rosalina again.

Well that's all for today. Have a great week!