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SPDShadowRanger Blog

The Day Has Finally Arrived!

Level: 66

Percent: 95

Forum Posts: 9,524

Submissions: 21,214

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Roommates, Sailor Moon, S Club 7, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncut, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Danity Kane, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

Hello everybody. It felt good to rant in my last blog so that my next couple of blogs could be happy.

I'm so excited. Today is Friday April 3rd, which means that tonight Britney Spears is performing at the Target Center in downtown Minneapolis! So obviously I'm talking about this because I am going! I'm leaving at about 6 PM, we'll (my cousin and I) get there around 7, and the show starts at 8:30 PM sharp with the Pussycat Dolls taking the stage to open the show. I am beyond exciting. Not only do I get to see my favorite singer, but this is the first concert that I have ever been too. Plus, I also like the opening act, so two in one. It will truly be amazing. I went to buy another camera battery yesterday so that I don't miss much.

Well I'm super excited right now so I'm not sure what else I was going to post other that now that I only have three courses at college with two of them being once a week and the third online, that means an extra three days off a week, plus summer vacation starts in one month, so I should be able to start with a lot more submitting.

Have a great weekend everyone! I know I will!

Hell Has Frozen Over!

Level: 66

Percent: 94

Forum Posts: 9,514

Submissions: 21,207

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Roommates, Sailor Moon, S Club 7, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncut, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Danity Kane, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

Well first things off, two blogs in one week! Amazing.

I'm happy, and angry at the same time. Today I become editor of ABC Family's new show Roommates!

Sadly though, the new editorship is very bittersweet due to the fact that's show guides look like a tornado hit them. I'm going to be really careful what I say as to avoid a ToS, but I swear something is wrong with the staff. We had this new design preview for 2 or 3 weeks and we said that we hated it, but they launched it anyway. What are they thinking? If we don't like it, why give it to us?

What really makes me mad is how the staff is not saying a single word about why this happened. All of their responses have been about the bugs of the site. We want answers staff!

Funny how Power Rangers RPM premiered last month, the premise of the season goes along with this site right now. A aggressive computer virus (the staff and CBS) is trying to take over the world ('s look, etc), and now everyone (editors and other users) are trying to take shelter in the dome city of Corinth (the forums and our blogs). Funny huh? Here is a video of what I'm talking about if you want to see it.

I just don't even know what to say anymore, because nothing that we say will change how neglectful the staff is. I can't believe how much they ignore their users. They always say they listen to us, but they don't at all. How they even have the audacity to say they listen is sickening. Not to mention it also angers me how they try to peg this as a great thing, making the site easier to navigate, when it doesn't.

Everything's Going Haywire

Level: 66

Percent: 91

Forum Posts: 9,481

Submissions: 21,161

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Sailor Moon, S Club 7, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncut, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Danity Kane, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

I swear, I feel like I have a hangover, and I didn't even drink last night. Then again I don't anyway being 18 and a law abiding citizen. So If this blog makes no sense at certain points you know why. Actually, from my point of view it looks like a bunch of random thoughts put into one. Enjoy.

Work was hell last night. Way to much to do, computers and printers were acting up causing us to be way behind in everything that needed to be ready by closing time.

Almost April and winter just does not want to go. Sure the snow is gone, but it still is not that warm out. At least the Twin Cities isn't flooding like Fargo and Moorhead though, I feel sorry for all of them.

Only five more days until my concert! Plus I got my digital camera so I can take pictures and videos!

Well I just wanted to fill everyone in. My computer monitor is acting up lately, so if I don't respond to your messages and process your submissions as quickly as I usually do, don't worry about it. I think we will have to get a new monitor. I still need to update the Pokemon guide with tons of new info, but I see I may have some help from other submitters. No I have to go through all these submissions to see if they did the work for me. Plus I need to get back to work on the Sailor Moon guide. Also, I should have that new editorship this week hopefully.

School sucks lately. My speech group isn't doing their share of the project so we have 2 out of 6 people doing a four page paper! I'm withdrawing from Math since the teacher teaches it so fast and I just keep falling behind and behind and I just can't keep up. I'm still tackling stuff from almost two weeks ago and I can't take it. I'm going to take it again this fall with a different instructor. I've tried to stay after and visit her during office hours but she basically acts like I'm stupid and doesn't want to help. Well screw her then. The worst part about it will be talking to my mom and dad about it since I know they will make a huge deal about it!

Have a great week!

EDIT: So we just had dinner, and I brought up the whole withdraw from Math thing and they took it well. Dad didn't say anything as usual, and although my mom was a little angry about it and lectured me about study habits and stuff, she supported my decision and it makes me feel great that she stood by me instead of trying to control the situation as she would have in public school.

Spring Break, Circus Time Approaching

Level: 66

Percent: 62

Forum Posts: 9,439

Submissions: 20,814

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Sailor Moon, S Club 7, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncut, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Danity Kane, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

Well this blog is overdue. It may be Thursday night but oh well. This week is Spring Break. I was so looking forward to this week but it's turning out to be way less then I expected. I set a few goals for myself this week. By Sunday night I want to finish Shadows of Almia, the entire Sailor Moon manga series, and my new Naruto volumes (38-41). I completed Shadows of Almia last night, minus catching Regigigas. I still have three volumes of Sailor Moon to read, and all four volumes of Naruto. I have to work Saturday Night so tomorrow I need to hustle.

Well, it's almost time for my concert. It is Friday April 3rd, so just two weeks from tomorrow. I'm so excited. I finally ordered my digital camera. Hopefully it gets here soon so I can get used to using it before the concert.

I finally began sumbitting again. I'm starting to go through the Sailor Moon guide. the guide is in horrible condition and needs an overhaul. The only bad thing is cast. I only have stars and recurring characters. DIC and Cloverway only use a generic list so I can't figure out who voices six different villains, and all of the monsters of the day, but I guess something is better then nothing. I'm hoping I can find someone to help me with these Voice Actors.

I forgot to mention this last month, but as of mid to late February I am now one of the Top 20 users on the site (level wise)!

Have a great weekend!

A Dash of This, A Dash of That

Level: 66

Percent: 54

Forum Posts: 9,418

Submissions: 20,771

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Sailor Moon, S Club 7, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncut, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Danity Kane, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

It's about time I wrote this. I've been trying to write a blog since Monday but every time I get ready I decide not to. :)

Lately I've been caught up with buying things. Lets see, I recently bought all 18 volumes of the Sailor Moon Manga, Volumes 38-41 of Naruto, Kelly Clarkson's new CD All I Ever Wanted, and yesterday I pre-ordered Pokémon Platinum. It just keeps coming and coming! I need to slow down. Now I have to read all those, do homework, go to work and finish Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.

I'm sad at the moment. Last week it was revealed that after 17 seasons, Power Rangers is ending. Now you guys may think it is for kids, but it is a good show and all it is are people in suits fighting villains, so it is not as bad as it sounds. Season 17, RPM premiered last week and after it, PR will be done. Very sad.

Site wise, I'm pushing back my guide plans again. I am now going after editorship of a show that really needs a new editor soon. I won't say what it is, but I hope I get it.

Well that is all for now. Actually I forgot, next week is Spring Break! Just have to make it through tomorrow and then I have 9 days off! I'm excited.

So How You Gonna Fix It?

Level: 66

Percent: 54

Forum Posts: 9,370

Submissions: 20,762

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Sailor Moon, S Club 7, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncut, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Danity Kane, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

Well tomorrow is Monday, so it is back to school and work. However, Spring Break is only two weeks away!

Well, as for the blog title, those are lyrics from the song"Damaged" by Danity Kane. The reason why I posted them is because today I became editor of the Danity Kane guide! They are one of my favorite girl group and I hope that Shannon comes back and she, Dawn, and Aundrea continue on as a trio. This marks my first person editorship in two years (I believe that is correct). Below are pictures of the beautiful ladies before Aubrey and D. Woods left the group.

As for the site. I decide to put the Avatar guide on the back-burner for now. Right now I'm going to concentrate on catching up with the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's guide. I'm going to re-watch the show from Episode 1 and get everything up to date and correct. Thankfully only 25 episodes have aired.

As for gaming, I'm slowing progressing through Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. I just finished the mission where you help Sven in the Chroma Ruins and did all the available quests. Love the game so far.

That is all for now, have a great week!

Life Is So Boring

Level: 66

Percent: 52

Forum Posts: 9,316

Submissions: 20,722

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Sailor Moon, S Club 7, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncut, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

Not much is going on. One of my best friends is on vacation right now, and the other goes to a different college so I don't see her that much. Haven't hung out with them in like 2 weeks and it sucks. Math is super hard at the moment. Problem Solving is not my strongest area and I'm struggling with it. All the other course are going well. We had a test last week for my online course. That was all we had to do so it was like a week off, and that was great. Plus tomorrow is some kind of event so no school tomorrow either.

Site wise, I am going after a new person editorship (my first one in 2 years) and I should have it soon. I want to gain editorship of a new guide on the site, but it is a documentary with only one episode so that is extremely hard. I have added all I can think of, yet I'm not even halfway there. :( Also, tomorrow or Wednesday I'm going to start submitting again. Still have a few guides that need lots of corrections. Not pursing any new show editorships and the moment, but after I correct my guides that may change.

I do have some exciting news though! I won a great item on ebay! I won a set of Sailor Moon stuff. I won ALL 18 volumes of the Sailor Moon Manga which is hard to find because it is out of print and other people like to sell the books for a lot of money. Also included in the set are all 3 Sailor Moon movies, and 12 collectible key-chains. I should have the set by the end of the week.

That is all for now, but my next two blogs are going to be different. I want to get to know you all a little better. The next two blogs are going to be about Music in 2008, so review your music library and get ready!

Have a great week!

1st Mission Accomplished!

Level: 66

Percent: 42

Forum Posts: 9,249

Submissions: 20,632

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Sailor Moon, S Club 7, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncut, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

Well the time has finally arrived. As of last night I have finally completed the Pokémon guide. I am so excited that after two months of daily work it has finally come to an end. Right now the only thing missing is a better summary and cast for the 11th movie which premiered Friday night. There is also an episode summary missing for an episode that I missed, but that episode re-airs on Monday so I'll update the summary then. I've also written about 7 recaps that I need to type up as well. Now I'm going to start with the Avatar: The Last Airbender guide soon. Now that Pokémon is done I don't have any guide with more then 170 episodes to clean up so I'm really happy. That is it for now. Have a great President's Weekend!

Many Things To Do, and Not Enough Time

Level: 66

Percent: 1

Forum Posts: 9,227

Submissions: 20,150

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Sailor Moon, S Club 7, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncut, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

Hello everybody. Hope everybody had a great weekend. Mine was good. I had my first day of work since the store opened yesterday and it went well. I worked a seven hour shift which I have never worked before (Have only worked up to 5) and surprisingly it went by way quicker then I thought.

I'm busy busy at the moment right now. I'm now in the 11th and current season of the Pokémon guide and should have the guide done by my Saturday goal. Site wise I have two updates today. I have gone up to Level 66 which is one of my favorite icons. Also, last night I surged past the 20,000 submission mark and now have a new contribution emblem.

As I said, I'm very busy lately. I still have to read Volumes 36 and 37 of Naruto and I'm excited as this is my first time reading it. I didn't start reading the spoilers until the final chapter of Sasuke and Itachi's fight so I'm using the English manga to catch up. I'm also spending a little time playing Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. Last week I also bought Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Volume 2 Boxset and Transformers Energon: The Ultimate Collection so I'm trying to find time for that as well, considering I have only seen the first 14 episodes out of the 51 total episodes.

Let's see, Saturday I opened a checking account and my debit card should be here by Friday. I hope to get a credit card soon as well. I'm also trying to find all 18 volumes of the Sailor Moon Manga. With it out of print people want a lot of money for copies, so I'm trying to find some good deals.

Have A Great Week!

I Am The Chosen One...

Level: 65

Percent: 35

Forum Posts: 9,197

Submissions: 19,334

Reviews: 242

Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cory in the House, MegaMan NT Warrior, Pokémon, Pokémon Chronicles, Rockman EXE, Sailor Moon, S Club 7, Sunset Tan, Taquita and Kaui, The Emperor's New School, Transformers Cybertron, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncut, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

People: A*Teens, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Christina Aguilera, Dan Green, Emma Lahana, Eric Stuart, Maddie Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Richard Brancatisano, Sarah Natochenny, S Club 7, The Black Eyed Peas, Veronica Taylor.

Trusted User: Ben 10, Pocket Monsters, Pokémon Housou

...says my level name. I am at Level 65 now. The Pokémon guide is coming around. I finished Season 8 last night and now I am in Season 9. Seasons 9-11 should be easy to swing through since I became editor of the guide just after Season 9 started, and it is a little less....disastrous then Seasons 1-8. I have to go back to Season 8 and do the Trainer's Choice after I finish the current season (11). I decided to do that last since it was time consuming.

I'm in my third week of my job now. All is going good. I passed all my certification tests on Saturday. My co-workers are great. We are having a lot of fun, but the store opens Friday so things are changing soon. I finished my training today so I'm happy. Our employee party is tomorrow so hopefully that will be fun.

Well, after picking up Volumes 34-37 of Naruto and Volume 21 of Fruits Basket I have come to realize something. I need a new bookshelf! My current one is now full. Now I don't have room for my strategy guides and magazines. I just wish that they made big ones. A library s-t-y-l-e one would be good for me :)

Well that is it for today. I'll keep this blog short and sweet. Have a great week everybody!