SQUALL20XX's forum posts
I'm gonna be 63 forever , aren't I?Allicrombie
Someone has to say the magical word "Unfreeze" to stop all of this, as written in the ancient books, the chosen one (a staff member probably) will come to rescue those who have been suffering from the nasty spell "Freeze", he will fight the demon (Freezer) and his twin brother (Bonk), though the story never ends as Bonk and his brother Freezer come to life every few days/months thanks to their big brother..., the prophecy stops here and never mention anything about the true ID of their big brother, but what we know for sure is that he's there... watching and working from within the darkness... he always awaits the perfect moment to strike again... :|.
I want to stay above Mitu in levels for another few years. But he is not affected by this, and I am, which make it so much harder to stay ahead of him :x horgen123It's a conspiracy after all :o.
Aye aye!vegamineral
As if I'm ordering you :P anyway posting is only a small part of union activeness, remember Lightning what we were doing in the past? We were doing many things, remember the 5 post/day and the 20 invitation/day for each officer? Remember the mini-games and the union updates? Everyone of us knows exactly what is his task each day, now things are just random I'm afraid :?.Â
Also, Squall, where and how did you get a ranger icon?Lightning__Evil
GS invited me to become one, it's an invitation only process, here's what the Ranger emblem say:
GameSpot Ranger
- GameSpot Tourists Guide. When you're wandering lost in wilderness who is there to help you? A Ranger. GameSpot Rangers should not be confused with the volunteer site moderator team that handles moderation violations, but they do have a wealth of knowledge worth sharing.
This day is inevitable, without recruiting new blood every now and then it's just a matter of time, things are off the road nowadays, it's time for someone to use "Remedy & Cure" before it's too late.
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