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SSJ4Justin Blog

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I'm mainly doing this to see my stats change from day to day.

Level 20 - 73.16%
Total Posts: 5855
Total Messages Read: 861030
442 Friends

Now do the same and tomarrow see if there was a big difference from today.  I don't know :lol:  I'm just that bored.

Update on my boring ass life

I seriously don't remember half those entry's below. I mean I do but not that good.
For one I'm not going out with Shannon anymore. Nor have I for the past 7 months of my absence. All those months while she did get a new bf I still loved her. And I waited for her. I don't know if that was a good idea or if it currently is one. But a little more than a week ago I saw her for the first time in months. We went to dinner with her parents for her birthday. Because all these months we havent seen eachother we always talked on the phone. Anyway she broke up with her bf like a month before. And we had dinner. And it was odd... Right before her parents eyes we hooked up. She held my hand and kissed me in front of the parentals. Anyway I didn't mind. Obviously lol...
Today I'm not sure what's going to happen to us. I want to be with her again but I don't know what she wants.
Now aside from that. My dad died only 3 weeks ago. April 23, 2006... He had terminal cancer. And it took him...
Now I live alone. And that's pretty much it! Have fun reading :cry:

I remember

I remember back in the day when gamespot wasnt gay.
I used to post almost a blog a day.  Because it was fun.
And it was easy to keep track of other peoples blogs.  Althought they were called Journal Entrys.  I miss it.
I miss the old forums too. 
I miss my old friends.
I miss getting in trouble with the admins.

What what??? Justin's back?

Haha i just checked my last login Last online Nov 3, 2005 5:44 pm PT.

LoL its been a while guys!!  You all miss me?  I know you did.  Cuz 68 messages is pretty ridicilous haha.  Well anyway later i might post about whats happened in my life.  Which is a lot.  Im still thinkin... Stay or go?  If i find that its cool then ill stay.  But for now im lookin around sayin hi.  k?  BYE

Should Justin leave or stay?

Gamespot really changed for the worst.  I dislike it very much and as you've seen I am rarely here.  I don't get any mail...  I hate the new forums.  And it's just too ugly.  So should I stay?  I do have friends here...  But I know I wont spend as much time as I used to...  So what do you guys think?  Stay or Go?

Heart broken again?

It's weird.  I never wanted to post any more drama on here.  Because I figured it was all over.  Things were going great with me and Shannon.  Truely in love.  Saturday (yesterday) we were getting ready to see eachother.  When her dad was mad at her mom and said she can't come and pick me up.  I figured it was late anyway.  So I'll see her tomarow (or today).  But as it hit night she called back sooner than I expected.  I guess her dad got in a worse mood and said I'm taking Shannon to Sacramento tonight.  (200 miles away from me.)  I said, "just don't go.  Stay with your mom."  She said, "I don't know what to do."  Turns out her brother is there in the hospital.  She does want to see him but she fears she would lose me.  And if she moved she would probably never see me again.  I told her I'd understand if she wanted to see her brother.  But inside I was saying, "please, please don't leave me."  So she said she would call me in the morning telling me where she is.  If she is home (only 29 miles away from me)  Then I'd be happy.  If she is in Sacramento...  Well I don't know.  I guess I'll be loveless for the rest of my life. 

Busy Month of October (good thing though)

This month is going to be awesome! Why? Because I'm planning to do a whole bunch of stuff with shannon! I dont know the exact order but this is what we are doing.

On the 17th of October i am visiting her at her school her lunch time and waiting for her after school. Then going to her house. (hope they dont call the cops on me :lol: )

October 22nd Homecoming dance! I already asked her and we are going for sure.

Halloween! We are "trick-or-treating" lol Yeah trick-or-treating at her house.

Unknown? Silverado Days. Its a fair. Thought it might be fun.

Packed month. But its gunna be fun! What do you guys have planned?

Things are working out :)

Well I have been extremely, depressed lately. Shannon has been under a lot of pressure and stress as well. So i've been trying to help her for the past 2 weeks. Im not gunna get into detail but she has been crying and hurting. And it really depresses me when she is sad. And crying. I do whatever i can to help her. But i end up worrying about her and it makes me not eat and throw up whatever i do eat. This was going on for the past 2 weeks. BUT lately i've been fixing it. Im making her eat. Which gives her energy. And she is all happy like. When she is happy i am happy. So now i've eatin something and i feel great. I just got off the phone with her. No tears just chitter chatter about every day lives.

Things arent perfect, but they are getting better. Soon we wont have anything to worry about and i can visit her frequently! Thanx for visiting guys!