Where does this download to, I downloaded it then it need the pass (my dads admin pass) so I typed it in and it needed to be changed, so yeah... I can't find it now.
Where can I get PSone games at a store? There's a few I'm really wanting to try but I need a store that actually sells them and a memory card, I don't want to get it of the internet.
Just look a little down the list I made a topic and quite a few people answered. Just check what they said, I recommed GTA series, Metal Gear Solid series, Max Payne 1-2, Silent Hill 2, Fatal Frame, The Thing game looks good.
What are the best PS2 games I'm just going to but a new memory card and controller, becuase I think I really missed out on about every good game. I like Shooters, horror, RGPs (some).
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