I have been contemplating getting either a 360 or PS3 and decided to go with the PS3 for a few reasons (one being the awesome deal):
-Third-party games are made for both systems now and they will continue to do so. It's just bad business to only realease exclusives.
-Blue-ray is awesome and the elite dissapointed me because no hd dvd ?
-Exclusive first party games on the ps3 are more appealing than 360 (MGS4, Uncharted, FF13). I'll play Bioshock on the PC thank you.
Anyways, the deal that I got was a ps3 60gb, Resistence, Need for speed, Blazing Angels, Headpiece, extra controller . . . . wait for it. . . $500!
If you are looking to get a good deal I recommend searching your local craigslist.
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