Enix are messing with the systems and the gameplay its no longer an amazing japanese rpg its become one of the crappy american rpg's or british rpg's who just dont know how to make rpg's properly enix cant make games ive played three of there games and even then they were knock offs of pokemon they need to go back to being squaresoft kick enix out and make the games the way they used to
i like the framing idea but i would still play it its history its like if there is a world war three no one would forget about the first two would they even if the same things happened well except hitler
disney should be kept in it because its a change from all the crap games they made and it adds some new characters to it who really dont have that much backgrounds so they are characters you can like but not have to read into or dont effect the story that much and i personally didn't know disney bought out nightmare before christmas before that game
better than sephiroth aee you high sephiroth was cool because he was good to begin with then he went crazy he wasn't just some lone nut who waits the whole games looking like a **** then suddenly changes his hair colour now he is so much harder he was crap and he looked like a girl
FFVII should be remade i personally think FFIX, X, X-2 did no justice to VII and VIII and i think square should go back to being squaresoft coz enix is a dead beat company who wouldn't exist anylonger if they did join up with a huge company but make it for the PS3 :lol:
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