Saber-Lily's forum posts
This picture of a chain sold me on their next game. Now all Team ICO has to do is announce on what day I should be giving them my money. Bring on GDC!
I heard those of us not in Asia don't even get this game. Is this true?Hot-Tamale
There are no plans to release Yakuza 3 in the western world...yet.
Ryu ga Gotoku 3 (Yakuza 3) isn't kicking in Japanese PS3s yet. Still a week to go before it comes out and Sega is already teasing the future.After the game launches Sega will support it with twenty nine downloadable items spread out over a period of eight weeks. Some of these will be special missions, others item packs. Even if they were just 29 alternate suits for Kazuma Kiryu I wouldn't have the heart to complain since all of this DLC is free. You don't even have to go to the PlayStation Store to download the content. Yakuza 3 will automatically update your game if you're connected to the Internet, presumably like a regular patch, each time new items are released. Pretty neat way (and forceful way) to give out bonuses.Siliconera
+10 respect for Sega
Now all they need to do is announce plans for localization...
Whoops forgot my source.
where does it say that in the ToU?Zero5000X
Not the ToU, but the official System Wars Rules:
There is currently some disagreement on a game being considered a "true flop", and growing debate over what review scores "count" for that flop. The official policies of System Wars currently dictate that only GameSpot scores count, however other sites are often used to attempt to predict GameSpot's review scores.
Taken from: System Wars Rules: READ BEFORE POSTING (UPDATED 1/23/09)
It's a sticky. On the first page.
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