FlowerNoby Noby BoySiren: Blood CurseLinger in Shadows (technically not a game, but it's only three bucks, and the experience is worth it)
The PS3 won that war for me a long time ago. The 360 still only has around two exclusive games that interest me.
Valkyria is not a RPG, it is a strategy gamePS3 has the lowest scoring RPG's this generation, White Knight and Demon SoulobamanianWrong on both accounts. VC is a SRPG. A Japanese one. Therefore it is a JRPG - a JSRPG if you want to get even more specific.The lowest scoring RPG's this generation are on the 360. Zoids Assault, Operation Darkness, Spectral Force 3 - pick your poison.
Seriously, was this even necassary? Aljosa23^What I came here to post.I still find it hard to believe they screwed up Dead Rising.
Plus KZ2 hype level was at a 9.5 for sure so technically it is a flop.HPPL3Except that's now how hype works here. It was hyped AAA, and it earned a AAA score. Killzone 2 did not flop.
Wow, Yakuza 3 is kicking all sorts of ass. If it keeps selling well, it's more than likely that Sega will bring this over, and then the real celebration can begin.
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