I'll boycott anything with DRM in it. Rationale:
- I do not lather to being treated like a criminal when I've paid for a game
- Most who pirate do it because they cannot afford the games (no sales lost) or to try before they buy ( perfectly reasonable exercising of consumer rights and sales are only lost if the game is a dud, deservedly so)
- If do not have the opportunity to 'try before I buy', I won't risk throwing down coin for products that are more and more becoming beta tester versions that need to be patched myriad times before they work... if they ever work *coughDeadRising3cough*
- Hackers crack because it's a challenge and because they can -- no level of DRM will stop them, effectively making DRM a punishment for paying consumers. Do these game developer dopes who can't make a 2D pixel art game run without crashing on every second rig set-up think they can defeat Ruski and Sino hackers? Really?!
- "DLC" (read: stripped content) racketeering has gotten to such an unashamed level that even if 50% all games player were pirated, games companies would still be in the black. Video gaming is the literal 'Wild West' of retail, with so few recourses for consumers who feel they've been had. If games companies can ride shotgun all the way to the bank with the money they fleece off of hapless customers, so too can gamers hold up the stagecoach from time to time get something back.
- People will pay for good games; period. If you make a garbage game and try to pass it off as something it's not in order to essentailly rip people off, you deserve to have your games pirated / your business fail / have to line up for food stamps.
- These are video games, not the Pentagon. To have to get a veritable retina scan before one can fritter some time away with stupid video game is far more of an insult any self-respecting person should be able to brook.
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